i30 Owners Club
GENERAL STUFF => CLUB MEETINGS & MEMBERS TRIPS => Topic started by: 2i30s on December 28, 2011, 00:15:44
well I'm on annual leave from work until the 15Th of January 2012,so is anyone up for a get together during the Chrissy holidays. :cool: :mrgreen: I'm not fussed on the location or what we actually do,a meet and greet or a drive in the hills or just a chat and a coffee. :mrgreen: any takers/suggestions, guys/gals? :happydance:
Count me in..... :goodjob:
Count me in..... :goodjob:
Come on everyone!
We had a blast last time so lets make a decent day of it, the more the merrier..... :goodjob:
Here's what we got up to....
https://i30ownersclub.com/forum/index.php?topic=7197.msg96560#msg96560 (https://i30ownersclub.com/forum/index.php?topic=7197.msg96560#msg96560)
Come on Fatboy, where are ya, you said you wanted to join us on the next one..... :D
Oh, and didn't Ian (agentr31) wanna know if we were having another so he could fly down and run alongside us or something? :whistler:
Come on Fatboy, where are ya, you said you wanted to join us on the next one..... :D
Oh, and didn't Ian (agentr31) wanna know if we were having another so he could fly down and run alongside us or something? :whistler:
i think slim's in QLD at the moment Russ. :winker: Ian's running down as we speak. :sweating: :rofl: :rofl:
That's no excuse, Steve......Fatboy can join Ian on the run down...... :D
:lol: :lol: :rofl:
Here's one proposal I've come up with for our "cruise"..... :)
It's roughly 180k's (plus whatever distance you need to travel to the meeting point which would most likely be Pakenham)
I was thinking maybe lunch at the Warburton (http://www.smh.com.au/news/victoria/warburton/2005/02/17/1108500207558.html) Pub then another stop off at the old Trestle Bridge (http://www.railtrails.org.au/trail?view=trail&id=204) near Noojee....
For those that aren't scared of driving on a little dirt (aprox 4 k's), there's the beautiful Toorongo Falls (http://www.google.com.au/search?q=Toorongo+Falls+noojee&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-au&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=0HMAT6feNsf78QO9jIXBAQ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CAwQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=902) situated around 8k's out of Noojee.....
sound like a great idea Russ. :goodjob2: :goodjob: but a dirt road. :scared: :lol:
The dirt road/Toorongo Falls part is optional and isn't actually included on the map, Steve.....so don't panic! :lol:
Oh, we could always do the drive in an anti clockwise direction and have lunch at Noojee Pub instead....
In the meantime, I'll work out another possible run.... :)
Oh, we could always do the drive in an anti clockwise direction and have lunch at Noojee Pub instead....
In the meantime, I'll work out another possible run.... :)
you can run,I'll drive the route. :Drive: :harhar: :rofl: :rofl:
come on all you Victorian members,this will be a great day out and a chance to put a face to the people we chat with on the forum. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
come on all you Victorian members,this will be a great day out and a chance to put a face to the people we chat with on the forum. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Try PM'ing a few Steve (like Beerman, Karhung, Etc.. It was the only way I got a handful together in WA.. :winker:
now that's a great idea. :idea: :goodjob2: :goodjob: :mrgreen:
Here's a variation on the "run" I proposed earlier....
This one is around 210 kilometres.... :)
I'm working on another possible run, which I reckon could be really good, so stay tuned...... :cool:
I've just sent off 8 emails,we'll see how that goes. :wink: :razz:
With this one, the total distance is around 200 kilometres.....
I would suggest meeting up at the Robin Hood Inn at Drouin West.
We could have lunch at Noojee Pub or perhaps at Mount Baw Baw (http://www.mountbawbaw.com.au/summer-home.html/) itself.....
The views from Baw Baw are magnificent and well worth the drive.... :goodjob2:
(there is a Green Season Infrastructure levy of $5 per car)
*Warning! The road from Noojee to Baw Baw is very twisty.....twisty meaning fun! :goodjob2:
I've just sent off 8 emails,we'll see how that goes. :wink: :razz:
Good onya, Steve...fingers crossed we can get more than you and me on this meet up.... :lol:
Just as an aside, would people rather do a run closer to the beach instead of the Mountains?
Happy to work out some proposals if that's the case... :)
I'm actually looking at a run up the great ocean road or a trip inland to Ballarat on Wednesday with the wife,[she goes back to work on monday 6th] but you can suss out a coastal trip Russ. :mrgreen: :goodjob2: :goodjob:
I'm not overly keen on travelling near the beach at this time of year as every man and his dog is down there along with half the Police Farce.... :fum:
Sort of takes the fun out of driving under those conditions which Is why I've been looking more at the mountains...
But, if that's what others want, I'm happy to come up with something.... :D
I'm actually looking at a run up the great ocean road or a trip inland to Ballarat on Wednesday with the wife,[she goes back to work on monday 6th] but you can suss out a coastal trip Russ. :mrgreen: :goodjob2: :goodjob:
Gee you are funny Steve :lol: :mrgreen: (but I loves you anyway :winker:) The 6th is a Friday.. I think you mean monday the 9th :whistler:
I'm actually looking at a run up the great ocean road or a trip inland to Ballarat on Wednesday with the wife,[she goes back to work on monday 6th] but you can suss out a coastal trip Russ. :mrgreen: :goodjob2: :goodjob:
Gee you are funny Steve :lol: :mrgreen: (but I loves you anyway :winker:) The 6th is a Friday.. I think you mean monday the 9Th :whistler:
yep,i meant the 9Th. :-[ my son also goes back on the 9Th but the boss stuffed up his leave form and it states his return is the 6Th,its stuck in my head. :-[ :lol: 9Th 9Th. :rofl:
I'm not overly keen on travelling near the beach at this time of year as every man and his dog is down there along with half the Police Farce.... :fum:
Sort of takes the fun out of driving under those conditions which Is why I've been looking more at the mountains...
But, if that's what others want, I'm happy to come up with something.... :D
no probs about that Russ. :mrgreen: off to the hills is great. :mrgreen:
fatboy got back to me super fast and cant make it unfortunately. :blubber:
You better slow down on the typing, you're making mistakes. You typed "Police Farce" instead of "Police Force". :mrgreen: :rofl: :rofl:
You better slow down on the typing, you're making mistakes. You typed "Police Farce" instead of "Police Force". :mrgreen: :rofl: :rofl:
he's all thumbs coz he lives in a tree. :rofl: :rofl: :whistler: he's guna kill me for this. :rofl: :rofl:
You better slow down on the typing, you're making mistakes. You typed "Police Farce" instead of "Police Force". :mrgreen: :rofl: :rofl:
That wasn't a mistake, Phil.... :D
You better slow down on the typing, you're making mistakes. You typed "Police Farce" instead of "Police Force". :mrgreen: :rofl: :rofl:
That wasn't a mistake, Phil.... :D
:whistler: :whistler:
I know, I was having a lend. :rofl: :rofl:
I knew this would happen!! Just after I move from Melbourne to Toowoomba, the "Annual Vic summer cruise/meet" comes around. Damn employer moving me around the country side. :'(
I hope you all have a great day (no really, I do)!! :cool:
Bout time for a training exercise in a copter to Vic. Hop in Rusty;s car, you'll have a ball. :rofl:
come on all you Victorian members,this will be a great day out and a chance to put a face to the people we chat with on the forum. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Try PM'ing a few Steve (like Beerman, Karhung, Etc.. It was the only way I got a handful together in WA.. :winker:
Beerman be in Queensland......
Beerman be in Queensland......
Something made me think you were in Melbourne? Have you moved or were you always in Qld..?
Bout time for a training exercise in a copter to Vic. Hop in Rusty;s car, you'll have a ball. :rofl:
It would be quicker to drive!!! (Time to spare, go by air)
Bout time for a training exercise in a copter to Vic. Hop in Rusty;s car, you'll have a ball. :rofl:
I'm more than happy to take a passenger.... :whistler:
Sorry we're unable to attend this time, we have weekends full till mid Feb.. It was a good day last year so don't be scared of meeting some new people... Gaz n Kaz
That's a shame, Gaz...
btw, I'm not sure whether it's gonna be on a weekend yet... :whistler:
firefight said he may come along,but the actual lack of day/date was a factor. :winker:
come on all you Victorian members,this will be a great day out and a chance to put a face to the people we chat with on the forum. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Try PM'ing a few Steve (like Beerman, Karhung, Etc.. It was the only way I got a handful together in WA.. :winker:
Beerman be in Queensland......
i thought that you were a Victorian. :wacko: :lol:
I knew this would happen!! Just after I move from Melbourne to Toowoomba, the "Annual Vic summer cruise/meet" comes around. Damn employer moving me around the country side. :'(
I hope you all have a great day (no really, I do)!! :cool:
we will slim. :Drive: :happydance: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Well Steve, it's looking like it's gonna be just you and me, mate.... :whistler:
Everyone else must be too busy polishing their cars or are scared they might get it dirty or something..... :confused:
Well Steve, it's looking like it's gonna be just you and me, mate.... :whistler:
Everyone else must be too busy polishing their cars or are scared they might get it dirty or something..... :confused:
:rofl: no Russ,I'm confident we'll get some takers. :goodjob2: :goodjob: we did a 300km drive to ballarat yesterday in the cw,bugs gallore splattered on the cw,but my car is still shiny. :winker: :mrgreen:
Still confident, Steve?
It's not looking good........ :whistler:
Have you come up with a day yet? :undecided:
any day other than this sunday,its Anthony's birthday. were off to a go carting day,150 laps each. :Drive: :happydance: :mrgreen: I'm not too fussed if we go during the week,its you call Russ. :D
I'll have Anthony with me,Chris and sue went back to work today. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
May be able to come just waiting on the date......... :undecided:
I sympathize with you trying to organize an event like this. Try to make the date as far ahead as possible, set a date and too bad for those who can't schedule themselves to come. Good on ya for having a go. :goodjob2: :goodjob:
the first two that i organised i did months in advance,but there ended up being only three of us on the meet. :neutral:
i posted this one up a bit late sorry. :-[ how does this Saturday sound. :winker:
how does this Saturday sound. :winker:
Very good to me :P
the first two that i organised i did months in advance,but there ended up being only three of us on the meet. :neutral:
i posted this one up a bit late sorry. :-[ how does this Saturday sound. :winker:
Which run did you wanna do, Steve?
I'm actually keen to go up to Mount Baw Baw but the weather forecast is looking pretty damn ordinary. If it's still crappy by Saturday, the other route may be better....
Btw, I think Saturday suits me....
the first two that i organised i did months in advance,but there ended up being only three of us on the meet. :neutral:
i posted this one up a bit late sorry. :-[ how does this Saturday sound. :winker:
Which run did you wanna do, Steve?
I'm actually keen to go up to Mount Baw Baw but the weather forecast is looking pretty damn ordinary. If it's still crappy by Saturday, the other route may be better....
Btw, I think Saturday suits me....
its a done deal Russ. :cool: I'll arrange a time and where to meet you later . :idea:
how does this Saturday sound. :winker:
Very good to me :P
you had better buy your plane ticket today Misha,or you wont get here on time. :idea: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
the first two that i organised i did months in advance,but there ended up being only three of us on the meet. :neutral:
i posted this one up a bit late sorry. :-[ how does this Saturday sound. :winker:
Did you see firefight's post (you better PM him...) :whistler:
the first two that i organised i did months in advance,but there ended up being only three of us on the meet. :neutral:
i posted this one up a bit late sorry. :-[ how does this Saturday sound. :winker:
Did you see firefight's post (you better PM him...) :whistler:
oh yeah,I'm on to it now. :mrgreen: thanks dazz. :goodjob2: :goodjob:
I've sent a pm to firefight,hopefully he can make it along. :mrgreen:
Just need to confirm times and hopefully i can make it... I will look on here Friday night for times and advise still trying to not work on the weekend..... staff will go on holidays lol but i am hopeful
Just need to confirm times and hopefully i can make it... I will look on here Friday night for times and advise still trying to not work on the weekend..... staff will go on holidays lol but i am hopeful
If we're doing the first posted run, I'd imagine we'd meet around 11am at Pakenham...unless we're gonna go in an anti clockwise direction... :)
Hope that's of some help to you, FireFight......
where abouts in Nam do you want me to meet you,how about out the front of the police/ses station on the old section of the princess hwy. :idea: :winker: that's super easy to find. :mrgreen:
Or Maccas? :p
I might be up for a thick shake by then.... :D
Or Maccas? :p
I might be up for a thick shake by then.... :D
mctroubles it is then. :rofl: :goodjob2: :goodjob: don't leave without me,i may be 15Min's late. [11.15] :whistler:
No worries, Steve.... :goodjob2:
For anyone else that want's to join us, the address for Pakenham McDonalds is 98 Princes Hwy, Pakenham.
If you're coming along the Princes Freeway/Pakenham Bypass from Melbourne, get off at the McGregor Rd off ramp and keep left.
Follow McGregor Rd until you hit the Princes Hwy. Turn right and you'll see McDonalds on the left..... :)
:goodjob2: :goodjob:
Even though I din't get an email, am I still invited? :blubber: :blubber:
If you make it a Saturday afternoon you can count me in. :goodjob2:
Is it possible to move the tour a little to the west? By the time I get to Noojee (where???) I will have done a days driving already. :rolleyes:
Bit late now, Kitti, it's on tomorrow.... :lol:
And Pakenham is only something like 90 minutes away from ya.... :winker:
Sadly, tomorrow is out. :'( My husband wants to mulch the back garden. :rolleyes: I'll never hear the end of it if I don't help. :rolleyes:
Hopefully next time.
That's a shame... :(
I'm sure it's too wet to mulch, tell your husband he's going for a drive..... :winker:
That's a shame... :(
I'm sure it's too wet to mulch, tell your husband he's going for a drive..... :winker:
he could bring his mulcher with him. :whistler:
Even though I din't get an email, am I still invited? :blubber: :blubber:
If you make it a Saturday afternoon you can count me in. :goodjob2:
Is it possible to move the tour a little to the west? By the time I get to Noojee (where???) I will have done a days driving already. :rolleyes:
the forum seems to suffer a hick up when email's are sent,most of the ones i sent out never arrived at the other end. :mad: :disapp:
what run did you want to do russ? is baw baw the one.? :winker:
I figure the first one, now that we've commited to meeting at Pakenham.
Besides, if the weather is gonna be crap, it would be a waste going up to Baw Baw Village. Best do that one when we get some decent weather... :D
And no sign of FireFight so I'm assuming he's gonna be a non starter.... :(
the first map is a go'er Russ,and firefight must be busy. :(
the first map is a go'er Russ,and firefight must be busy. :(
He might show up and surprise you.. I wish I could be there (soon hopefully) :happydance:
well we went out for the day,and it turned out that firefight did join us. :mrgreen: :goodjob2: :goodjob: rusty took a heap of pics and Anthony took pics and some video,i hope photobucket is kind later on. :sweating: I'm off for the day go carting for Anthony's 16Th birthday,I'll post more later . :honk: :Drive: :honk: :Drive: :happydance:
I'm glad you all had a great time. I really wished I was able to make it, but it was a bit too far to travel.
I'm glad you all had a great time. I really wished I was able to make it, but it was a bit too far to travel.
Thanks guys, yes, we had a pretty decent sort of a day, in fact I only got home an hour or 2 ago.... :D
come on all you Victorian members,this will be a great day out and a chance to put a face to the people we chat with on the forum. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Try PM'ing a few Steve (like Beerman, Karhung, Etc.. It was the only way I got a handful together in WA.. :winker:
Beerman be in Queensland......
i thought that you were a Victorian. :wacko: :lol:
Bloody insult that. :happydance:
come on all you Victorian members,this will be a great day out and a chance to put a face to the people we chat with on the forum. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Try PM'ing a few Steve (like Beerman, Karhung, Etc.. It was the only way I got a handful together in WA.. :winker:
Beerman be in Queensland......
i thought that you were a Victorian. :wacko: :lol:
Bloody insult that. :happydance:
Blood oath...to us Victorians! :p
:rofl: :rofl: :goodjob2: :goodjob:
Here are a few words and some photos of our "run" :goodjob:
This is the route we ended up taking....
First stop was at Warburton, opposite the Alpine Retreat Hotel. We were going to have lunch here but instead decided we'd
head up to the Upper Yarra Dam and then come back for lunch.
After passing the Reefton Hotel at McMahons Creek on the way up, we decided to head back there for lunch instead of
Warburton. Good move, in my opinion as the pub has plenty of character and pretty good food....
Unfortunately, due to other commitments, Jim (FireFight) had to head for home after our meal so Steve, Anthony and myself
made the run to the old trestle bridge near Noojee. This part was probably the most fun, (for me anyhow) as the speed limits
were sensible and we were able to make pretty good time, unlike most of the earlier part of the trip which had been governed
by ridiculously low speed limits.
After leaving Noojee we made our way back to Drouin West and then on to the Freeway and the drone back to Pakenham....
All in all a pretty good afternoon, helped by the better than forecast weather. :D
Cool! :happydance:
I wish I had joined you there.
How much was an overall length of this trip?
Thanks Rusty really enjoyed that .. My sort of scenery (that new camera works a treat - with your help of course) :happydance:)
How much was an overall length of this trip?
I think it was roughly 220-230 kilometres, Meehalych....... :)
I fuelled up before I got to Pakenham, reset my trip comp and at the end of the day my i30 had averaged 4.6l/100k, helped in no small part by the ridiculously low speed limits we had to endure at times........
Cool! :happydance:
I wish I had joined you there.
How much was an overall length of this trip?
next time misha,im hoping for march. :mrgreen: a special meet up. :whistler::winker: :happydance:
Maybe next time, all participants could agree to fill up (brim) at the same servo and compare fuel consumption too. That way, you have a good time and get some interesting data too. :)
Maybe next time, all participants could agree to fill up (brim) at the same servo and compare fuel consumption too. That way, you have a good time and get some interesting data too. :)
Would have been interesting as 1 x Manual Diesel, 1 x Manual 2.0 petrol and 1 x Auto 2.0 petrol I think... :winker:
Exactly. :exclaim:
But they're the good guys :confused: