i30 Owners Club
MODIFYING OR DETAILING YOUR I30 => INTERIOR => Topic started by: ouri30 on October 31, 2008, 09:00:20
Oz Members,
I found a set of carpet mats on eBay. I have a set of these and they fit like a glove. Price seems fair.
Yet another reason why I wish I was over there with you guys
Thanks Bob..
I just bought them... $80 including postage (Guess I saved about $25 or $30)
Used Pay Pal so I should be protected...
No David Murrays.
That was quick. We paid $99 for ours.
I was going to chase some up soon (I'm a Bu..er for kicking my driver's mat about ... aways ends up at near right angles)
Good work Daz,
I feel a bit embarrassed. I asked the dealer for a set.........and he gave them to us. Also asked for key rings and the rego from our "first i30".....gave us that too. How nice was that. I had no idea how expensive they were.
They are very nice........you'll be pleased. :roll:
The best I could do was a Towbar on the I30 and Window Tint on the Tiida (after negotiating the best deal)
This guy wants $110 :lol: :lol:
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Genuine-Hyundai- ... 1|240:1318 (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Genuine-Hyundai-i30-Floor-Mats_W0QQitemZ280280644809QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item280280644809&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66:2|65:1|39:1|240:1318)
Reckon this is a mistake.. 16" i30 hubcaps...
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HYUNDAI-I30-GENU ... 240%3A1318 (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HYUNDAI-I30-GENUINE-16-INCH-HUB-CAPS_W0QQitemZ270295145605QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item270295145605&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318)
and haven't seen these B4 ?
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CHROME-M ... otohosting (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/CHROME-MIRROR-COVERS-Hyundai-i30-Spiegelcover-verchromt_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2em63Q2el1177QQhashZitem250214089809QQitemZ250214089809#ebayphotohosting)
Car mats on Hy oz web site but no price
http://www.hyundai.com.au/i30/default.aspx (http://www.hyundai.com.au/i30/default.aspx)
On Hy UK web site
Fabric @ £38.21 ($93.24 Aud)
http://www.hyundai.co.uk/accessories/al ... 30&ref=171 (http://www.hyundai.co.uk/accessories/all/?modelName=i30&ref=171)
Rubber mats @ £40.58 ($98.93 AUD)
http://www.hyundai.co.uk/accessories/al ... 30&ref=192 (http://www.hyundai.co.uk/accessories/all/?modelName=i30&ref=192)
hey how do u guys find all the hyundai i30 stuff on ebay... i find all the crappy stuff (well i think might be due to the fact im onli 19). and off the subject pm me on this question, do u guys know how i might be able to get more performance outa the i30 as im having second thoughts bought the car.
Got my mats today via the local Supermarket/Post office very happy much better than my $7.99 Supercheap special (yes - for a set of 4)
Dazz, were they genuine Hyundai? You just beat me to them

I picked some up from local dealer for $95 so not too unhappy.
Yeah Pip... I think so.. Seem pretty good quality (and as a bonus they have given the car that new smell again
this might be a weird question but wouldn't the mats come standard in all the i30's?
or do i have to find some aswell... i hate shitty aftermarket car mats, stock for the win.
They don't come with mats from the factory. Either the dealer throws in a set or you
have to buy them