OK, now for a few photos from our trip around Victoria last week .. Didn't take heaps but hopefully you enjoy the few I am posting (Have some video which will take some editing)
Firstly, catching up with Steve Jnr (2i30's) again .. Don't like my pose much looks like I'm about to break wind.. :snigger: (and reminds me I need to lose some weight before 40 Year school reunion in mid November :confused:)
As mentioned ended up renting an identical car to the one we have just upgraded to although ours is getting dressed up quite a bit. It went faultlessly and was a great choice as we are used to the little quirks of a Hybrid and I knew how to set up the Bluetooth and Halo etc.. Plus I learnt some new tricks to do with our car as well :happydance:
Because we covered so much ground in 7 days the scenery was very diverse .. Check this out
over 1600 metres above see level :Shocked:
Lots of snow about at mount Hotham :goodjob:
and interesting architecture.
At the other end of the scale.. The 12 apostles (now only 8 I think)
Welcome to Australia.. This was a nice sign .. (If the Snakes or Sharks or Spiders don't get you the cliffs will :rofl:)
A nice old building that just happened to have one of our favorite cars parked out front.. :happydance:
This was an interesting town (Omeo) where a movie called Red Hill was made
http://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/article/2010/04/16/175521_entertainment-news.html (http://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/article/2010/04/16/175521_entertainment-news.html)
Have nice video of some historic towns (to come after editing) and of our drive on the Great Ocean Road :goodjob: