i30 Owners Club

GENERAL STUFF => CLUB MEETINGS & MEMBERS TRIPS => Topic started by: rustynutz on February 12, 2013, 15:19:27

Title: Port Arthur
Post by: rustynutz on February 12, 2013, 15:19:27
Today I pulled a sickie and took my brother down to Port Arthur in his little Suzuki Alto.

On the way we stopped at Nick's Hobby Shop at Sorell. This place is massive! It would have to be the biggest hobby shop I've ever seen. If only I'd had a few thousand dollars to spend....oh well. :undecided:

Unfortunately we were on a mission and time was getting on so I had to drag myself away and get motoring.  :blubber:

It wasn't long before we started to see evidence of the recent fires.....I must admit I was quite shocked as I'd ridden down to Dunalley the night before on the Burgman and in the darkness I hadn't realised it was quite so bad.
I took a few snaps which I posted in my "Evening Ride Thread".......

Arriving at Port Arthur we discovered it wasn't cheap to get in...$32 for an adult, $27 for pensioners....
While the place is reasonably wheelchair friendly, I certainly got a workout at times pushing my brother around, especially when I pushed it up one really steep slope, I think my brother was quite concerned that I'd let him go!  :D
Must admit the thought did cross my mind..... :whistler:

Some of the buildings were accessable with ramps while others only had stairs. I guess overall it wasn't too bad.

We had some drama while I was pushing him across a grassed area....We hit a small hole which I assume had been dug by a rabbit and the chair came to an almighty stop, unfortunately my brother continued and ended up in a heap on the ground....Oops!
Luckily no damage was done and a nice couple rushed to our aid and helped me get him back into his chair...  :-[

Thankfully the rest of the day continued without any more drama.

After leaving Port Arthur we visited Doo Town (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doo_Town,_Tasmania) at Eaglehawk Neck (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eaglehawk_Neck,_Tasmania) and then travelled down the short dirt access road to the magnificent Waterfall Bay......

Anyhow, I've waffled on long enough, here are a few photos...enjoy!



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Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: eye30 on February 12, 2013, 16:03:45
Great shots.

He is looking well...and looks as if he was thoroughly enjoying the trip out.

Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: plasticphyte on February 12, 2013, 19:34:07
Great photos. Reminded me of my trip there quite some time back. I visited it while reading the book 'For the term of his natural life' and it really helped get the vibe of the place.
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Dazzler on February 12, 2013, 19:51:45
Very good Rusty ..Thanks (some excellent photos)  :goodjob:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Phil №❶ on February 12, 2013, 21:06:52
Might want to invest in a restraining belt so you don't tip him off anymore. Hope he had a great day too. Watch your back when manoeuvring him, he looks pretty solid.

Great pics, must get back there again.
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: rustynutz on February 12, 2013, 23:20:16
Thanks all..... :D

Yeah, he had a good day, it had been years since he'd last been there so things had changed a bit.
He is doing quite well and doesn't seem to be too bothered by the loss of his legs.
He was wishing he had his mobility scooter with him instead of having to rely on me to push him around.
As for a restraining belt, the chair actually has one but apparently the occupational therapist recommended he not use it.
In this case though it probably would've prevented him hitting the deck.
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Phil №❶ on February 12, 2013, 23:52:25
As for a restraining belt, the chair actually has one but apparently the occupational therapist recommended he not use it.

Perhaps you should take the occ therapist to Pt Arthur  :whistler:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: rustynutz on February 12, 2013, 23:54:47
Hmm, I wonder if she's hot?  :whistler:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Phil №❶ on February 12, 2013, 23:57:15
You'll find that out when you tip her out of his wheelchair :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Doggie 1 on February 13, 2013, 00:00:20
Nice pics of an infamous place.   :goodjob:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: panda on February 13, 2013, 05:01:40
Nice pics of an infamous place.   :goodjob:

Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: rustynutz on February 13, 2013, 05:48:31
And made worse by Martin Bryant.....  :(
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Doggie 1 on February 13, 2013, 05:54:51
That's the infamy I was referring to.
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Surferdude on February 13, 2013, 07:39:20
When we were in Tassie in about 1999 (IIRC) my wife wanted to go there but I wasn't keen. I felt the true history would be overshadowed by the Bryan massacre and really thought I would be too depressed by it. Fortunately my wife prevailed and we spent the best part of a day there. It was a bit overwnelming given that it was less than 3 years later.
But I'm glad I went. It is truly an amazing place and, Bryant aside, an impressive part of our history.
I have a large range of photos, too.
One of my former workmates at Goodyear was among the victims. I still have some correspondence signed by him.
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: rustynutz on February 13, 2013, 08:01:12
It was good to see that the former cafe has been turned into a place for quiet reflection with a "reflection pool" and gardens.
The woodern memorial with the victims names that was previously out there for all to see has also been relocated there.

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Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Dazzler on February 13, 2013, 09:59:16
One of my former workmates at Goodyear was among the victims. I still have some correspondence signed by him.

Small world isn't  :Pout: 

The Husband of a girl I have known for many years was down there that day and we had to wait quite a while before we found out he was OK :sweating:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Phil №❶ on February 13, 2013, 10:31:46
I've been there 2 times during my management relief episodes in Launceston many years ago, before Bryant. When I was there I could feel the harshness and the forsaken nature of the area, yet it is a beautiful place at the same time. I'll go there again if the opportunity presents.  :neutral:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Doggie 1 on February 13, 2013, 10:34:03
For the benefit of our overseas members:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_(Australia) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_(Australia))
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Dazzler on February 13, 2013, 11:36:45
For the benefit of our overseas members:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_(Australia) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_(Australia))
Gee that sure makes chilling reading  :Shocked: I didn't know a lot of that detail and didn't really want to  :disapp:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Phil №❶ on February 13, 2013, 11:39:20
Well, now you do.  :yoohoo:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Doggie 1 on February 13, 2013, 13:10:55
Sorry, I didn't mean to upset anyone.
I vividly remember the story being broadcast at the time of the young mother and the two little girls.
And we, the law abiding tax payers of this country, continue to support him in Risdon.
I heard recently that he had made a formal complaint about the conditions and the quality of the food within prison.
AFAIAC, there was one bullet too few used on that dark day.
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Dazzler on February 13, 2013, 19:17:01
It's ok Dave..

I suppose I am big enough and ugly enough to cope with these things (but the horror of the day is so graphically described in that wiki article it is almost like being there)  :Shocked: :sweating: :disapp: :disapp:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Surferdude on February 13, 2013, 20:27:45
It's ok Dave..

I suppose I am big enough and ugly enough to cope with these things (but the horror of the day is so graphically described in that wiki article it is almost like being there)  :Shocked: :sweating: :disapp: :disapp:
I understand Dazz. There was so much graphic and heartrending footage on the news at the time, all rehashed during his trial. That was still fresh in my mind and why I was,at first, reluctant to visit.
BTW. I didn't read the Wiki link.
I'm with Dave on this one. One bullet more.

Incidentally, if you want to see how sick and twisted people really can be, Google "Martin Bryant Conspiracy" and have a read of some of the entries.

If there's one thing I hate it's "Conspiracy Theorists".
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: kittikat on February 16, 2013, 11:42:28
I went to Port Arthur before the massacre then again years after.  It seemed to add another dimension of sadness and horror to the place.  It is the sort of place that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up for no reason you can explain.   :scared:

Remember it well, it was on my birthday.   :disapp:
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: Doggie 1 on February 16, 2013, 11:50:28
Gee, that is one birthday you would never forget.

I think everyone in Australia remembers that day.  :(
Title: Re: Port Arthur
Post by: rustynutz on February 16, 2013, 12:03:07
It was my wedding anniversary so the date is locked in my head... :undecided:
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