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OFF TOPIC => WORLD NEWS => Motoring => Topic started by: rustynutz on June 10, 2015, 01:45:47

Title: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: rustynutz on June 10, 2015, 01:45:47
by Mark Hinchliffe
4 Jun, 2015

South Australia is set to introduce anti-bikie laws similar to Queensland’s Vicious Lawless Associates Disestablishment (VLAD) laws, despite those laws failing.

The only person so far convicted under the former Queensland Government’s VLAD laws is Joshua Robin Rohl who smuggled $16m worth of cannabis on commercial flights between Melbourne and Brisbane.

In 18 months of the legislation, several people have been arrested and charged under the VLAD Act, but Rohl is the only person convicted.

While he was found to be part of organised crime, he is not a bikie, not a member of a declared criminal motorcycle club and he used an airplane, not a motorcycle, to commit the offences.

Perhaps Frequent Flyer Clubs should be included as criminal organisations!

Yet the architect of the social-profiling laws, former Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie says it proves his VLAD laws work.

“I feel confident that kids in Queensland can sleep tonight knowing that this man is behind bars for a long period of time,” he told a fawning mainstream press.

So is he saying that there are no other laws to convict drug smugglers?

New Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath says the VLAD laws “go too far” and has set up a review of the laws which she says will take away the anti-association and mandatory sentencing sections.

That should be good news for recreational weekend riders caught up in unnecessary and misguided police harassment.

“Recreational riders should be able to jump on their bikes and go up the coast with their friends for the weekend and not feel harassed because that’s what these laws led to,” she said when she took office.

It should also ease the minds of law-abiding people who may associate with members of motorcycle clubs arbitrarily and secretly declared criminal organisations by the police and government.

However, the review is not expected to be finalised until later this year and we are not guaranteed anything.

“There are elements in the laws that work, there are elements in the laws that go too far,” D’Ath has said.

Riders will undoubtedly remain skeptical until the amended laws are made public.

Meanwhile, the South Australian government is poised to declare 27 motorcycle clubs as criminal organisations and make it unlawful for more than two members of these clubs to be together at one time.

Have they not learnt anything from the farcical Queensland experience?

Source: :link: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure - Motorbike Writer (http://motorbikewriter.com/anti-bikie-laws-grow-despite-failure/)
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: beerman on June 10, 2015, 06:24:09
Who decides success or failure.

All of the OMCG Club houses I know of in Queensland are gone, as are most of the occupants. Victoria especially with some of the weakest laws is complaining about the inflow of interstate OMCG members who are leaving states with tough laws. When I was in Victoria recently I was surprised to see a number of OMCG getting around in full colours. This doesn't happen in Queensland any-more.

You used to walk down the streets of the Gold Coast and they were arrogantly walking around in their support shirts, now those that are left are removing gang tattoos and keeping a low profile. Certainly the 'mass walks' on territory they regarded as their own as a sign of strength have ended too

Yep, they have been unsuccessful all right....
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: FatBoy on June 10, 2015, 09:27:34
So if we have an "anti-speeding campaign", and nobody is caught speeding, is that a success or a failure?

To me, that is a success!!
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Surferdude on June 10, 2015, 10:45:59
So if we have an "anti-speeding campaign", and nobody is caught speeding, is that a success or a failure?

To me, that is a success!!
There are some who would suggest it's a failure to attract revenue.
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: rustynutz on June 10, 2015, 14:53:14

This article would seem to pretty much back up the fact that these VLAD laws have been largely unsuccessful....
:link: The revealing facts on bikie laws and crime in Queensland (http://theconversation.com/the-revealing-facts-on-bikie-laws-and-crime-in-queensland-35892)

Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Doggie 1 on June 12, 2015, 12:39:32
It's a bit like when you go through the airport.
I went to Bali last week.
I was subjected to bag searches, x-rays, questions, document checks, etc, all for the purpose of security for the wider community.
It's the same with these anti-bikie laws.
Yes, there's a price to pay, but it's worth paying.
In both cases, the stops, checks, searches & questions are only there because of the bad guys, not the good guys.
Put the blame where it belongs.
And that's not with the government!
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Aussie Keith on June 12, 2015, 14:07:00
So if we have an "anti-speeding campaign", and nobody is caught speeding, is that a success or a failure?

To me, that is a success!!

I'll second that. The criminal element associated with the gangs has either gone to ground or other pastures where they can carry on without the sort of scrutiny they were getting here. Whether that's the VLAD laws at work or the police giving these organisations and their members the attention they deserve or a combination of both is anyone's guess. Good riddance.
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: AlanHo on June 12, 2015, 15:22:24
I would suggest that all members of biker gangs should be restricted to bikes of less than 150 cc.

They would look much less intimidating - even with their bitch on the pillion.... :whistler:

 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/AlanHo1937/Forum%20Daft%20Pictures/Scooter%20Gang_zpscku7e3ps.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/AlanHo1937/media/Forum%20Daft%20Pictures/Scooter%20Gang_zpscku7e3ps.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: eye30 on June 12, 2015, 16:26:15
I would suggest that all members of biker gangs should be restricted to bikes of less than 150 cc.

They would look much less intimidating - even with their bitch on the pillion.... :whistler:

 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/AlanHo1937/Forum%20Daft%20Pictures/Scooter%20Gang_zpscku7e3ps.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/AlanHo1937/media/Forum%20Daft%20Pictures/Scooter%20Gang_zpscku7e3ps.jpg.html)
Lets all go and watch............. Quadrophenia

Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: rustynutz on June 13, 2015, 03:03:20
They'd sound less intimidating too, Alan!  :lol:
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: rustynutz on June 13, 2015, 04:03:40
The full video of that police harassment...

:link: 'Harassed' Biker : Queensland Police Harrassment Caught On Camera - YouTube (https://youtu.be/df1tWCt-SSY)

And here's a bit more about what happened: :link: 21st licence check a case of harassment? - Motorbike Writer (http://motorbikewriter.com/21st-licence-check-motorcycle-rider-case-harassment/)

Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Doggie 1 on June 13, 2015, 04:37:53
That may well be the "full" video that the idiot chose to upload, but it certainly doesn't show any police harassment.
It just shows polite police officers doing their job whilst dealing with one of life's many losers.  :)
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Shambles on June 15, 2015, 16:51:21
Thread cleaned up.

It's just a shame that so many differing viewpoints gave rise, as usual, to bikie-baiting / copper-baiting; this in turn led, as usual, to personality clashes.

We don't want that on here anymore.
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: rustynutz on October 26, 2015, 06:59:34
A Brisbane rider who claims to have been harassed multiple times by police during the height of the Queensland anti-bikie crackdown has had police obstruction and assault charges suddenly dropped leaving a $2500 legal debt.

Jamie Evans, 46, rose to notoriety after one of his confrontations with police was filmed and posted on YouTube, attracting thousands of shares and more than 2.25 million views. He has now taken the video down.

The charges arose out of a different incident in July last year and now after 15 months, 12 court appearances and $2500 in legal fees, the police prosecution recently dropped the charges saying there was “no substantial evidence tended for the case to proceed”.

Read more: :link: VLAD ?farce? leaves 00 legal debt - Motorbike Writer (http://motorbikewriter.com/vlad-farce-leaves-2500-legal-debt/)
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Dazzler on October 26, 2015, 08:32:19
So who has to pay that?  :undecided:
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: rustynutz on October 26, 2015, 09:42:27
I'm assuming he does...  :undecided:
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Phil №❶ on October 26, 2015, 09:57:21
I'd say the govt should pay, as they are the complainant.

But unless he was represented Pro Bono, he'll have a hefty defence bill. :fum:
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: rustynutz on October 26, 2015, 10:33:06
Reading the article further, it says:

“Because of judiciary legislation changes which were part of the VLAD (Vicious Lawless Associations Disestablishment) Act I can’t claim compensation,” he says.

Jamie says he would have to take the case to the District Court where it would cost even more, but compensation is capped at $1500.

So, it sounds like he's on his own as far as footing his costs...  :undecided:
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Doggie 1 on October 26, 2015, 14:07:16
No doubt some bleeding heart will pay it for him.   :neutral:
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: rustynutz on October 27, 2015, 00:18:49
It stinks that the Police can just pull the pin and leave people with a massive bill to pay... :fum:
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Phil №❶ on October 27, 2015, 00:35:52
 :agreed: :disapp:
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Doggie 1 on October 27, 2015, 09:41:26
Here we you go again.   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Phil №❶ on October 27, 2015, 09:49:34
Disagree Doggie1, innocent until PROVEN guilty. There should be no financial penalty if the case is unproven either by retraction or verdict.
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Doggie 1 on October 27, 2015, 09:55:29
Disagree Doggie1, innocent until PROVEN guilty. There should be no financial penalty if the case is unproven either by retraction or verdict.

Court cases go to court many times, every day, week after week, month after month, in almost every town and city in Australia!!!
Do you honestly think that all those who are found not guilty or whose cases do not proceed are always adequately financially compensated?
I would think not.
In an ideal world that might be the case. But be real.
What I object to, is the outcry (promoted by certain sections of the media and certain individuals) when bikies and/or motorbike riders are involved.
Where are all of you concerned citizens when the other 99% of the general community are affected, I ask?
To blame the police is a cop out (excuse the pun). Blame the legislators.
Title: Re: Anti-bikie laws grow despite failure
Post by: Phil №❶ on October 27, 2015, 10:05:49
No, in this case, the problem IS with the legislators. The DPP decided to abandon the case for whatever the reason. The evidence for prosecution is sourced from the Police, but at the end of the day, the DPP decides whether they have an opportunity to win a case or not. I have no argument with the Police at all it was their call on the day. The Police were simply doing their job, as defined by the legislators.
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