i30 Owners Club
GENERAL STUFF => CLUB MEETINGS & MEMBERS TRIPS => Topic started by: snowcherry on October 06, 2009, 11:49:16
so any of you slack buggers ever do Brissy or Sunshine Coast meets etc?
just curious as there seems to be a lack of topics for Brisbane in here :lol:
maybe you should arrange one :wink:
so any of you slack buggers ever do Brissy or Sunshine Coast meets etc?
just curious as there seems to be a lack of topics for Brisbane in here :lol:
maybe you should arrange one :wink:
Or maybe YOU should arrange one :D
OK,.... how about we organise a meeting at Maleny on the Sunshine Coast?
Not only is it a beautiful place within easy reach of Brisbane but I live
close by there :razz:
well catch for me is i do not live in Brissy any more but i do make trips down every 3 months or so.
next trip in end of november. not sure what dates are free as yet, need to check, and i'll see if there is actual interest.
and Dazz you sodd, i hate arranging things :wink:...i'm good at hinting though
i'm good at hinting though
That's a gender thing Dazz!!!
*cough cough*
I'll give it a miss,its a 3 day drive to get to Brisbane :rolleyes: :lol:
I'll give it a miss,its a 3 day drive to get to Brisbane :rolleyes: :lol:
I had a car like that once !!!
I'll give it a miss,its a 3 day drive to get to Brisbane :rolleyes: :lol:
I had a car like that once !!!
c'mon blue.i am in Melbourne.but then i might be able to get there faster than 3 days,in my i30 :mrgreen: :lol: :lol:
Road trip, road trip, road trip... :razz:
Road trip, road trip, road trip... :razz:
I've seen the film :lol:
Better stop now
*i see this is over 120 days old*
so anyway do we have many brisbane members? mabey put your name down if your brisbane based!!!
there are heaps of you in Brisbane.
lol there should be i see heaps of i30's driving around and probably 10+ on the way to work and back every day!!
At last count I made 5 of us on the Sunny Coast which is an easy enough drive to Brisbane. Not sure how many down there but I seem to have noticed a few.
And Maleny is nice. Mary Cairncross Park would be good.
there are heaps of you in Brisbane.
they're just all too lazy :wink:
there are heaps of you in Brisbane.
they're just all too lazy :wink:
It takes a bit of "PMing" to get any numbers together (I managed to get 5 of us together when I went to WA last year - out of around 20 active members in that state)
there are heaps of you in Brisbane.
they're just all too lazy :wink:
lol sounds like the maxima club!
i was just wondering if there was a deacent enough number of people here, if there was i thought it would be nice to have a meet and greet of some sort mabey with a bbq or something!
If you go to Welcome Section: Google Map: Members Locations via the index of the forum you can zoom in on Brisbane and quite some time ago before the job got too big for encountar and Hemmi they managed to flag about 13 members just in Brisbane and probably twice that many in easy driving distance of there...
I'm guessing it wound be closer to twice that many now but half of them aren't very active (so a bit of work to get good numbers together) by this clubs past standards half a dozen would be a good number .. think the most successful drive meet so far was some of our Canberra members.. (correct me if i'm wrong)
lol sounds like the maxima club!
i was just wondering if there was a deacent enough number of people here, if there was i thought it would be nice to have a meet and greet of some sort mabey with a bbq or something!
its a lovely idea mate - certainly give it a go!
i'd might even pop by if it was at a time i was driving down to brissy but i've only done that once so far; next trip is maybe july? but obviously the timing for me is very difficult.
you'd need to plan well ahead, advertise it well. don't pick dates that are obvious 'big' footy dates or long weekends where guys are not likely to be able to make it due to other *cough* reasons or getaways.
yer i know, timing and dates need to be made well in advance! especially when the people arent "hoons with nothing better to do" hrmm ill have a look and a think also its hard for me im on call all the time.. i suppose thats what happens when you work in maintenence!
i wonder if you could start a new thread?
i realised mine didn't have the best attention grabbing title when browsing through the threads.
something like ' brisbane meetup for mid 2010' ?? :neutral:
you woudn't neccessarily have to arrange it, just start it and see what the feedback is first? or if someone else might like to arrange it?
Like this snowcherry :wink:
Actually you've had plenty of response - just not many takers :lol:
Maybe you need to be less tactful with the slack buggers :eek:
thats great Dazz thank you
yeah that little sly wink in the first post, just didn't get them staying them around much did it. :rolleyes:
maybe some leather and a whip needed?
Count me in.........and can I second Suferdude's suggestion of
meeting at Mary Cairncross park near Maleny ( under 2 hours
from Brisbane), although a trip to Brisbane would also be fine for me.
I'm in, almost certainly.
But I have my son, daughter-in-law and grandson here in June for about 10days.
Then we'll be overseas for some time in Oct/Nov.
So pretty well any other time would be great. Because I'm retired I'll just fir in with others.
im in! *jumps up and down enthusiastically*
maybe some leather and a whip needed?
*slowly edges out of room...* haha
hrmm we need to do something people! put some names to faces!
i was just wondering if there was a deacent enough number of people here, if there was i thought it would be nice to have a meet and greet of some sort mabey with a bbq or something!
how about, a meet up at say mt coot-tha
then drive to esk, have a BBQ (i think there is a look out there with a BBQ, will need further investigation)
come one people what do you think?
I'll be in it but am away from 7th Oct till 24th Nov.
mabey set it for the first weekend of september?
mabey set it for the first weekend of september?
Father's Day!!!
You'll die. :eek:
I'm interested.
Mid to late Septermber?
mabey set it for the first weekend of september?
Father's Day!!!
You'll die. :eek:
LOL i forgot about that... i think my father is working that weekend!
yes seoul-mate mid to late september!
ill have to do a scout run, find a good place to have a BBQ and then organise it on here with people!!
*edit, fixed post up
I'm certainly interested, but for me it's pretty random as to whether I'd be in town at the time or out at work......roster is all over the place. But if in town at the time I'm in.
ahhh! well ill try and organise a route we can go on, and a nice place for a BBQ
then we can set a date!
Sounds like a good reason for a BBq. Un fortunately I will most likely be in Sydney on Fathers Day.
thats aright... it wont be for a while!!!
im hoping to go out next weekend and plan a route, i was going to do it this weekend BUT ive been called in to work on sunday, and well seeing as ill only get one day off this week its going to be a busy day!
Hi Ian mate, thanks for the invitation. I cant make it coz Im looking after my little boy every weekend(wife's working weekends). By the way, Im here in Greenslopes.
make sure you guys post up some pics after your meet. :razz:
LOL i have to do a scout run first! hopefully on sunday i get time! then i can organise something :0
how long is this drive? you mentioned esk earlier which is a long drive....isn't it?
50 or so km i think? possibly more!
anyway so i scouted out a run this weekend...
how does everyone feel about meeting up at the north bound BP servo at caboolture (bruce highway) then driving up through the sunshine coast hinterland to emundi? much better than middle of nowhere esk...
say we make it around the 26th of this month?
mmmm love the eumundi area just from what i see driving past, would love to see more of it
slim chance for me - will take hours to get there :lol:
will keep in mind though
we can move it forward, i think surfer is going away soon... so it might have to wait untill he gets back!! cant go doing fun things and leave regulars out!!!
we can move it forward, i think surfer is going away soon... so it might have to wait untill he gets back!! cant go doing fun things and leave regulars out!!!
I'll still be here but it's my wife's birthday that weekend and we'll be going to Bris to see our son.
I'm awat from 11th Oct till 24th Nov.
Don't wait for me if sometime suits others. I'll make it next time.
the next weekend suit you?
come one people!!! we need numbers! ie more than 2 people :p
Come on guys and girls get behind Ian.. I would be there in a shot if I was a bit closer.. :cool:
Ian .. send out some PM's to the regular Queenslanders (in case any have missed this thread)
Russ (Seoul-mate) was keen to participate.. :wink:
i remember the first meet i organised with karhung down here in Victoria. we ended up with nearly a dozzen members and in the last week it died down to only karhung and myself after months of planing.even mrh130 was going to make his way down but couldn't make it. keep trying Ian,I'm like dazz mate in saying i would be in it if the distance wasn't so large. :wink: :razz:
well its not a huge club, and with most of us not being 17/18 years old, its a bit harder to get people on board to "cruise"
BUT im sure people want to put faces to names! what better way to do that, then have a meet up!!!
p.s and we can show off our i30's :p
It is ironic that I am the most active poster on the site and yet I have only met 2 other Tassie members (and neither of them actually have an i30 :rolleyes:)
Think there would be only about 10 Tassie Members all up though.. :'(
your right... even i only manage an average of 8 posts per day... you have 11 :O
7.2 posts per day for me lately,12 hour days and 6 days a week. I'm off to bed soon. :-[ i haven't seen another i30ownersclub sticker on a car other than my own car in over 18 months of owning her.
Hope we don't lose any (or many) posts when we swap hosts. I should hit my 10,000th post by end of September.... :mrgreen:
Hi Agentr31, you can count me in for 26 Sep.......
or any other date around then if it needs to be
I'll be joining with the hopefully massive convoy of i30's
at the Caloundra turn off on the Bruce Highway as you
head towards Eumundi.
With a bit of luck I might be able to make the 26th, too.
Wish I could be there. I'd love to meet you
two three... :D
LOL we could push it forward a week or to...
anyways hopefully tomorrow, when i havent worked a 14 hour day ill post up some more info and the cruise route!
Hope we don't lose any (or many) posts when we swap hosts. I should hit my 10,000th post by end of September.... :mrgreen:
I'll start a Poll - "Guess the Date"
Click this link to take you to the Poll:
ohh god... i was caught up at work again :( but i get friday off... looks like ill be doing it then!