i30 Owners Club

GOT PROBLEMS OR ISSUES? => GENERAL => Topic started by: lost in Kidderminster on July 07, 2018, 10:46:56

Title: Rear window washers leak when front washers are used
Post by: lost in Kidderminster on July 07, 2018, 10:46:56
Hi all,

I have been searching to see if I can solve this problem when I use the front window washers the back ones have started to come on/leak at the same time. I have tried to see if it was a blockage with a pin but does not work. Is it the pump or is there a simple fix ?. I have a I30 2011 1.6 diesel Any help welcomed
Title: Re: Rear window washers leak when front washers are used
Post by: Dazzler on July 07, 2018, 10:59:52

Certainly sounds like back pressure caused by a part blockage, but this is the first time i recall this issue. They are more likely to not work, than work when you don't want them to.

How does the washer liquid look? Is it cloudy/dirty? I would try to disconnect the hose from the front washer bottle and try and flush it with a pump of some sort maybe.  :undecided:
Title: Re: Rear window washers leak when front washers are used
Post by: lost in Kidderminster on July 07, 2018, 11:08:55
The water looks clean and soapy will try and pump the line. Is the best way in through the cover in the wheel arch (saw on YouTube)?
Title: Re: Rear window washers leak when front washers are used
Post by: Dazzler on July 07, 2018, 11:59:46
The water looks clean and soapy will try and pump the line. Is the best way in through the cover in the wheel arch (saw on YouTube)?

Never had the problem (because I change my cars when the ashtrays are full) but yes, apparently that is probably the easiest way.

Others may come along with other suggestions if you give it another day or so.  :cool:
Title: Re: Rear window washers leak when front washers are used
Post by: eye30 on July 07, 2018, 14:18:28
Have you tried blowing air through tubes just in case blocked.

There is a joiner in the engine compartment on the wing on same side as fluid bottle.

Also open rear hatch and you'll see joiner at top.

I used foot pump to blow air through both tubes attached to joiner.

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