i30 Owners Club
MODIFYING OR DETAILING YOUR I30 => ELECTRICAL | ELECTRONIC | AUDIO => Topic started by: treker_sg on July 08, 2024, 05:11:53
Good afternoon. Just gotten a 2021 PD.V4 MY21 Active for the wife. Glad it has wireless Android Auto/Car Play on it. However, I still would need to use a cable to charge the mobile/hp, which really doesn't really make any sense. Any who, I have been researching the pass 2 days and can't really find any YouTube clips, instructions, photos and search up here - with very little info available. I do know it exist cos I can find the charging pad on Ebay here -
:link: HYUNDAI I30 WIRELESS CHARGER PD, HATCH, 03/17- 17 18 19 20 21 22 | eBay (https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/204121637327?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=YJ4E1brFS_y&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=p_6NGkEIRcG&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)
If anyone has tried and succeeded, please do reach out. Or if I have missed a posting down there, please let me know too....
Much appreciate your time reading this.....
I built my own for the FD and it sits in the bottom of the flat tray in front of the power sockets.
Just buy a cheap pad from eBay along with a 12V-5V buck converter (total of maybe $6) wire the buck converter into the back of the 12V outlet and plug the pad's USB cable into it, then route it past the console edge to the tray.
Embed the pad in a tray sized custom-cut rectangle of foam and wrap it in thin black cloth.
I f you want it to look as fancy as the one on eBay, send me the measurements and I'll design and print a black plastic case to look just like that one. :wink:
I made this module connection on the 2019 i30. It's very simple to make.
(https://i.ibb.co/3ychL9n/spdbe70266e.gif) (https://ibb.co/SXBv94z)
Here's my DIY solution:
1. :link: Converter Buck Voltage Board Charging Regulator Step Down Charger Power Module | eBay (https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/405117049496?itmmeta=01J3H2J9W3AC5MSX7FW1MW9G1V&hash=item5e52db9a98:g:4RYAAOSwKLBmnsLC&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwG%2Bbit92d7G1UqRoy9ddHCeJnrSTUwG1i7tBf0mjNoP7pNip9GMJU1mxSc6wTpvZ4ps3cy%2B1YXdCBtcT853Hn%2BfEUV5RQz%2Blh2beRu03H3tx%2BOIP2hLypkrXYRIhhagmcmXZeQsSeEqK1EO5CqYpCSWXsENtSHwUDEcSpi%2FVyojLowXiWqG8uXMsNI66IVPrPYn7VdtzskahgnJmkVKBaLfnTVM3HmDxpY%2BitXP1--i1VvQM4AqG%2BitEDgwIYx9weQ%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR6SeyaKcZA)
Cheapest I could find that can deliver good current and has a bonus socket!
2. :link: Qi Wireless Charger Charging Pad For iPhone 13 12 11 Pro Max Samsung S21 S20 | eBay (https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/175678829530?itmmeta=01J3H303BAE9T2XFYDM12F9WYB&hash=item28e74633da:g:fKsAAOSwMMNkbU1f&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4K9KCsBLHa6rQilw89PFfp8aysZv1dLHgHvIMgL%2BOXM5q4QaQJpIyNdW3azgA5PEqF1g15z5g%2FDAcXm%2FV6j%2B7TSaWHw3kt7HlcdKgJtC2%2FK4bIq%2BwAoDBQuTch%2Frea1ofOdDUH9v5%2BL0CE1ZusKJE7gkJxJGhaHu35PEaG1L5hCBlE7PkgpJLkuKlkwkZ2HHCi1dqhel7yB7q9zmZY3lTFOX8xb4zgarS9eTNpRhp7ULosmR5tGd9h9SDYsVDxzGBsv5fnumjQ6QqBelKap3xgCGbQixFdpDPLH7vig1Nnng%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-i1gKOcZA)
3. Wire the buck converter to the connections behind your cirgarette lighter / 12V socket.
4. Build the charging pad into a flat plastic / wooden / foam / plaster / cardboard base, finished in black cloth, large enough to rest your phone or even into a vertically mounted phone holder (which I have designed and printed as well for my iPhone 11).
5. Plug your USB cable into the buck converter's USB socket and the charging pad. You may want to use an extension cable depending on your preferred placement.
6. Enjoy.