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April 23, 2024, 11:24:48 by PanOs13 | Views: 4869 | Comments: 2
Hello Does anyone know how to enable Auto hold to be alway On. And Drive mode to stay on Normal after restarting the car. Drive mode is keep resetting to ECO when turn off and turn back on again. I just bought an i30 DCT Premium Hybrid and I am still trying to figure it out. I checked the manual and says that those two should remain with their last setting and not reset.
April 16, 2024, 05:43:12 by Jess1973 | Views: 7137 | Comments: 3
I'm at my wits end. I have a 2017 i30 PD, dual clutch transmission hatchback, and last year I had to have the entire transmission replaced after only having driven 30,000km (I am the only owner and don't drive it like an idiot). The issue was that the orange lights on the dashboard would light up, and when I put the car into reverse or drive, it would not move. Sometimes it revved, other times it did not. The cost - which was covered by Hyundai, thankfully - was around $8000. I had to pay for labour ($800)  Last week, I turn my car on, I have a dashboard full of orange lights and the telltale not moving when I put it into reverse. It's undriveable because it's not safe, and I've also lost power while I've bee ...
April 16, 2024, 05:26:04 by Xbjoz | Views: 5130 | Comments: 3
Hi All, When I wash the front windscreen the rear wipers come on at the same time, as the washer motor feeds both front and rear windows (but reverses the impeller direction to feed the rear) the rear window always runs the wiper with the window dry. When I wash the rear window only the front wipers don't operate. (the rear washer doesn't work but that's a separate issue) Is there something I have actuated that I can turn off or is this some kind of weird fault I'm seeing?
April 04, 2024, 04:55:08 by SankarAu | Views: 4429 | Comments: 4
Hi, Here's a tip for those who face the issue of the rubber of the Liftgate/Trunk/Hatch Release/Opening Switch deteriorating or crumbling. Don't leave it for too long or the internal switch mechanism will fall out and the following fix will be moot. I was lucky, that happened to me but I was able to find it on my garage floor! I cut out a piece of bicycle inner tube (you can use any thin and flexible rubber) and glued it into place. It's out of sight so I didn't worry too much about how it looked. Anyone could do a prettier job.  I reckon I saved a few quid. Good luck. Cheers, S 
April 04, 2024, 03:35:43 by SankarAu | Views: 6622 | Comments: 5
Hi, My baby has clocked over 140k kms and feels slightly rough. I've picked up a 4-pack of NGK SILZKR7B11. They are all uniformly factory gapped at 0.98mm. A google search gives me gaps between 0.9 and 1.1 in various sites. Can anyone enlighten me on the factory recommended gap, please? It's the Trophy model (Australia) if that makes a difference. Cheers, S
March 18, 2024, 12:06:40 by Sydney Lady | Views: 8131 | Comments: 11
Hi everyone, long time since I last posted. I thought I would share my current problem to see if anyone else has had similar. I have the same door locking electronics issue as per my last post i30 Door locking/unlocking by itself History - i30 auto 2013 hatch. Keyless entry. Drivers side door outside button stopped working ages ago. was quoted too much just to take off the door to have a look so have been just using the keyfob. Passenger door outside button works ok. For quite a while now when I approach my locked car on the drivers side, the door locks start opening and closing continuously by themselves without me ...
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