i30 Owners Club


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Offline GURKHA17

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  • Darwin,NT, Australia
I started to hear a rattling noise around 4-5 days after i got the car... it wasn't the sunglasses nor my house keys...it was coming from the passenger seat belt area. At first i thought it was the belt, because no one was sitting there at the time I noticed it. But it continued even after i had my friend sit with the seat belt on. So I just spoke to the dealer the other day hope fully I can go make an appointment around monday or tuesday, lets see what the have to say. Its not very loud but its audible and its kinda gets on my nerve at times....so i have my music playing to cover that noise all the time.

Offline LuciferDarklord

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  • Bindoon, Western Australia.
My glovebox has started making a slight rattling noise.  Moved all the stuff around in there - still does it.  If I open the glovebox, and leave it open for 30 seconds - no noise.  I'll try and fix it myself when i get time, if no luck then I'll get the dealer to fix it next service.  Its kind of difficult to pinpoint where it comes from, but the missus found it when she was sitting in the passenger seat.

Offline i30Dave

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Quote from: "LuciferDarklord"
the missus found it when she was sitting in the passenger seat.

There's the problem  :lol:

Offline LuciferDarklord

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  • Bindoon, Western Australia.
Yeah when she is driving I blame everything on the 'loose nut behind the wheel'  :lol:

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