yes i agree but as a firefighterthis is the biggest danger we face on a Road traffic collisions airbags, struts etc, we do alot of training on this, having the map on the visor, well i don't know, first you have to get into the twisted car first to read it ,but then be have done all the cutting to get to it, especially if it on its roof (or under a back of a lorry)..... we have a good idea where the A/Bs are plus we do whats called peel and reveal,- pull the plastic inside a little and look to see A/B cylinders etc b4 cutting (this is done while taking out the rubber seal's and the windows. you will be surprised how fast a roof removal is (don 't seem like it when your inside) next time we train on a scrapped car i c if it called be timed ( i dont think i shall b Mr popular thou)
like a said we have a good idea where ther are, also we do watch videos of the dangers ( and what would happen when things go wrong).. but the BIGGEST danger is when LPG fitted badly
I have printed it off, try to translate and going to stick them on the pumps
Here a vid of our pump doing a roof removal