Few years I have had some rare problems with rear left door. It did not open or close from the central locking. This usually happened during cold winter days (colder than -20'C).
Now the right side door do not lock or close from remote. It tries, but there is not enoug power to move the knob and the wire... The manual locking and opening knob works well. Seems that there is not enough power in the actuator.
I thought I would lubricate the handle and cable to make it easier to work (quick fix). I removed the door panel. I spend 45 mins fighting with the manual window handle. Some google and internets let me know there is this pain in the butt clip which has to be moved without even seeing it.

Luckily I had endoscope so I used it to see what I was removing...
I put some fine gun oil to the hinges of the door handle.

It did not work. Still not enough power in the actuator.
I wanted to check the actuator, but I was not able to get the metallic door panel out.

I removed the bolts, but something was still holding it. I ran out of time and had to leave it.
Today I checked the GDS and I was a bit confused. Do I really need to remove the window and all other stuff to get access to the actuator?
reardoor.pdf - Google DriveIf I really need to do all that I thought I would order new actuators if the old ones can't be fixed. I was going to order them straight from Korea. One would be only 40$ as used ones go here around 100€ for one...
rear door glass.JPG - Google DriveI ran in other problem with the part numbers. EPC tells me I need parts 81420-2L200 and 81410-2L200. Unfortunately Koraps do not have those parts. They have 81420-2L000 and 81410-2L000. What those three last digits mean in the part number? Would those 2L000 parts fit my car? I tried looking what is the difference. I found one wreckers who sold 2L000 part and it was from chez build car. I thought that might be the difference (my car is Korea build). But then I found other wreckers who sold 2L200 part and it was also from chez build car.
40€ for new actuator is reasonable. 100€ for used one is not... Any ideas? I am currently driving without door trims as if the locks stop working, there is easier way the get the door open as it would be with a door panel on it's place.