Hello everyone. Long time no talk. I thought I’d drop past and let you know how my Kona is going.
I must say, I am really enjoying driving it. With lockdowns, working from home, and whatever else has been going on, I haven’t had a chance to drive too far, only 10k in the first year.
I always joked that people who drive automatic cars are just steering not actually driving. Well, now I have a car that seems to have automatic everything, I must say that I am only steering most of the time.

Everything about the car is just great. I have a couple of small (very petty) gripes. The parcel shelf at the back rattles when we go over a reasonable bump. Doesn’t bother me so much, but drives my husband mad. I am also not that thrilled with the GPS upgrade that did at the 10k service. I’m glad I waited until then, it just isn’t as good at showing the street names if you aren’t using it for directions. That and when we went to Port Fairy for a weekend (our 40th wedding anniversary) it tried to take us a very strange way to visit my sister in law.
I do however have a question that has been on my mind for a while. Can anyone assure me that the brake lights come on when the cruise control slows the car? After having someone run into the back of my car, I am just a little nervous. I feel that a lot of people have forgotten how to drive and just cut in front and tailgate. Concerning at 100 kph.
Just adding a photo to remind you all how handsome he is.