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Windshield washer nozzles/pump problem i30 fd 2011

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Offline Mademoune

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    • be Belgium
Im new here, i seem to have a problem with the windshield the front and rear noozles spraying at the same time when either side is engaged. I think that it might have something to do with me having regular water in the tank while on vacation in an area with -15°c.
Any idea where the problem could originate from?
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Offline wbm00

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    • gb United Kingdom
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Could it be as simple as a stuck/damaged valve?

Presumably it's one pump in the washer tank and the direction of flow is directed to front/rear with a valve (or the pump itself operating forwards/backwards)?
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Offline BrendanP

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    • gb United Kingdom
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Sounds odd. I thought there was only one pump and whether it goes to front or rear screen is determined by the direction of rotation. Maybe the water in the tank has frozen and cracked the pump internals so there is no longer separation between the two channels. If you enter your VIN number on :link: PartSouq Auto Parts Around the World you could examine the drawing of the washer reservoir to check the pump part number, it shouldn't be too expensive to replace, especially if there's a generic part available.
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