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2013 GD tourer 1.6 CRDi - front brake pad part number?

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Offline 1600dave

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    • Victoria
Hi all,

Just in process of replacing the original front brakes at approx 140,000km.
I've ordred new rotors and pads however the new pads are slightly different shape.
Two options were given and i studied the diagrams, measured up existing pads, yet I didnt notice the slight differences until I had them side by side.
New pads seem to physically fit, but are slightly different (Bremtec BT18750PRO, equivalent Bendix DB2240)

Does anyone klnow the correct parts numbers? The Mobis pads are KBP 2505F GG.
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Offline Shambles

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Hey. The correct parts number should show up on https://partsouq.com

If you could put your VIN into the form it'll be easy to drill down into the brakes section.
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Offline 1600dave

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Thanks, that's given me a Hyundai part (58101A6A00), but can't really translate it to anything available in the aftermarket here in Australia.
Aftermarket pads are significantly cheaper, and I'm keen to see if I can find something with better braking performance and less dust.

Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

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Offline BrendanP

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I don't know what brands are readily available for you, but here in UK I tend to use Delphi or Pagid. They have online after-market parts catalogues, and you can enter the Hyundai part code and it will take you straight to their equivalent part. I expect other manufacturers have part selection tools as well.

Also note that if you want to replace the thin steel shims that the brake pads slide in, some brands may include these with the pads, others don't. Genuine Hyundai parts include them. If you have to buy them separately that additional cost should be factored in when comparing brands.

When replacing the pads check that the caliper glide pins slide in and out freely. When replacing pads I always take the opportunity to pull the pins out, wipe off the old grease, make sure they're not corroded, then re-grease them with a suitable brake grease. I bought a pot of Permatex grease. Replace the pins if they're corroded, they're not expensive, around 1/3 the price of a set of brake pads, and if they do start to bind the pads will wear out prematurely
« Last Edit: January 25, 2024, 23:16:10 by BrendanP »
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