Hi guys,
I am not long back from a very successful Canberra i30 owners club meet. I should add that one of those (Camerony) present lives in Nowra on the south coast, and travelled three hours to be there. Well done Cam

others present were Thumper, Bikejockey and myself, plus partners and kids.
It was only a small gathering, 3 cars and 4 members, but we had a great time. One of the main points of conversation among our happy little group was to do it again, with a bigger gathering. We were all keen on the idea of combining a Canberra and Sydney meet. There were a few suggestions for a location. Mittagong sits half way between our two cities, and has some nice parklands. My suggestion was Borwal. I am a huge cricket nut and would love to visit this lovely little town made famous because our Don Bradman grew up and played his first cricket there. The other suggestion was maybe some where on the mid south coast.
So what do you think Sydney?
Also, there was some interest from those present to attend your Blue mountain meet when and if this meet goes ahead.