I hope there’s someone out there that can shed some light on a really strange change in the range until empty indication on my fifteen year old 2.0ltr crdi. To shed some light on the sequence of events that have lead up to current situation.
I had to replace the alternator a couple of weeks ago, which I had done at a local garage, at that point I was getting approx 530 miles from a full tank, however last week I decided to fit a new battery after a check recommended replacing it. Fast forward to yesterday when I filled up with 8.5 gallons and at that point the indicated range until empty plummeted to just 370 miles. Given that the dash readout for mpg is 59 I can’t work out what’s going on.
If anyone out there has experience of this or knows what the problem is I’d be infinitely grateful if you could shed some light on my issue.