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My Road Trip....

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Offline rustynutz

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Thanks for your kind comments, Marzipan!  :goodjob:

As far as road noise goes, it really has been pretty much a non issue on this trip....

I do tend to listen to music while I'm driving, especially as, for the majority of this trip I've only had myself for company so maybe that has masked things a bit...or, perhaps the roads are constructed with less coarse stones up this way? Then again I could be just going deaf... :lol:

It's funny though, back home I've found the i30 a little bit noisy on local roads....  :undecided:

As for my breakfast guest, he was roughly 6 foot away but I did get down closer so I could take a pic... :D

Offline rustynutz

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Seems ages since my last installment..... :-[

While in Townsville I did the obligatory "drive" up Castle Hill.

This has become something of a chore these days as the "get fit brigade" have just about taken it over and what was once a really fun drive has now turned more into a game of "dodgem's" as folk, young and old, make the walk to the top and back down again. And if that's not enough, there are numerous speed humps to negotiate.....grrrrr.

Magnificent views of Townsville and Magnetic Island make it all worth while.... :goodjob:

Unfortunately it was quite hazy....  :(

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Offline Doggie 1

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Thanks Rusty, great pics.
I can't believe it's 18 months since Yasi either. It certainly did some damage.
  • Tertius the i30

Offline Shambles

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Spectacular photography there, Mr Russ "T" Nutz :)

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Offline Dazzler

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Enjoyed that thanks Rusty  :goodjob:
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Offline rustynutz

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My last full day in Cairns was spent travelling up to Kuranda on the Skyrail Rainforest Cableway, having a wander around the markets and then travelling back via the Kuranda Scenic Railway.

The markets were full of indigenous artifacts such as paintings, boomerangs & didgeridoos, leather goods, stuffed crocs and the more normal market stuff like clothing, jewellery and postcards.....

Kuranda is also home to the Australian Venom Zoo.

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Offline AlanHo

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How are you managing to get decent internet connections in what sounds like some way-out places you are visiting.

I'm impressed.
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Offline rustynutz

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I've been lucky and have stayed mostly with friends or relatives that have had broadband.

Where I stayed in Cairns access was a bit ordinary as they only had a usb wifi internet stick so I just waited until I got back to Townsville so I didn't have to worry about using up all their "downloads"...  :D

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Hi there, love reading about your trip totally agree with db08 about your breakfast visitor how close were  you?  I recently did a trip to Horsham in my i30 great to travel in but the road noise was incredible one could hardly hear the music. Did you find the same trouble interested to hear?  :brilliant:

If ya slack off a bit, say to 90 and speak up a bit that should solve it for ya  :rofl: :rofl:

That was all great Rusty, just had an enjoyable 20 mins catchin up with you adventures   THANKS

Offline Dazzler

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Another excellent report Rusty .. Really enjoyed the photos  :goodjob:

You are having a great road trip.. We definitely needed more time for our last one  :whistler:
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Offline Phil №❶

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That looks like fun, too bad Cairns is so far away, rainforests are wonderful places to collect your thoughts, (if you can find a nice quiet tourist free spot, just listening to nature, very uplifting and therapeutic IMO). Unfortunately, nothing remotely like that where I live.  I love trains too & we do have those. Great pics, thanks. :goodjob2:
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Offline rustynutz

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Thanks guys, unfortunately it's nearly at an end, I head for home in the morning.....  :(

Offline Doggie 1

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There's no place like home Rusty.  :)
Thanks for the great report & pics. I enjoyed that. I think I need to get out more and see more.
  • Tertius the i30

Offline rustynutz

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Thanks for your kind words, Dave..... :goodjob:

Before I call it a night, I thought I'd just mention that I got to do a bit of motorcycling while in Townsville...

First up I got to ride a Triumph Speedmaster.
I decided to revisit Paluma as I knew it was a fun road up into the mountains.

I figured I had to look the part so wore an open face helmet. Bad move as it's been years since I've worn one and my eyes streamed tears continuously from the wind in spite of wearing glasses.
I persevered and found that once I got into the mountains my speeds dropped and my eyes watered much less.

It's been a while since I've thrown a leg over a motorcycle so I was a little bit tentative around corners for a while but my confidence quickly returned and I soon had a grin from ear to ear....  :D
The exhaust note certainly helped too. There's something about a "twin" that I just love and this one, having close to open pipes sounded great, especially on the overrun, where it crackled and popped.....ah, I can feel a woody coming on!  :-[  :lol:

Moving right along.....I'm not a fan of the uncomfortable seating position forced on riders by this style of bike, so I was a bit surprised that after ridng approximately 170 kilometres I wasn't in crippling pain.
I think the warm weather of Far North Queensland must agree with me...  :goodjob:

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Offline Doggie 1

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Looks like lots of fun.
What capacity is the first Triumph?
  • Tertius the i30

Offline rustynutz

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Offline Doggie 1

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Lovely. And I agree about the twins - very old school and nice sound.
  • Tertius the i30

Offline Dazzler

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That would have been great (for you)  :goodjob: (well done)
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Great trip and report Rusty.
I've seen the Barron Falls in both seasons but the first time was like in your pics. But even less water. Most unispiring after learning all about them in primary school. I have a lot of similar pics from Castle Hill and Kuranda. bring back memories.
Did you get over to Magnetic Island?
Also, Bowen is well worth a tour around.
Sorry if you've already covered those places but I've been catching up on a few of the longer threads and may have missed bits. :-[
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Offline rustynutz

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Thanks Trev!   :goodjob:

Never bothered with Maggy Island this trip.

I spent a day and night over there some years back and was bored to tears so haven't been in a hurry to revisit the place. Also I begrudge paying a fortune for the ferry crossing....

Apparently the property downturn up there has really stuffed the place....They are almost giving Unit's away....

Thanks for the tip about Bowen....but I've actually visited the place on one of my many other trips up North.

Offline rustynutz

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Oh, forgot to mention, I've made it back home safely......  :D

I'll post up a few more photos and some videos down the track....

Offline Doggie 1

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Offline rustynutz

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Thanks Dave.... :D

Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.....

Offline Dazzler

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Oh, forgot to mention, I've made it back home safely......  :D

I'll post up a few more photos and some videos down the track....

Sounds good.. :goodjob:

Thanks Dave.... :D

Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.....

I can relate to that .. I'm always pleased to get back to Tassie  :goodjob2:
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Offline Phil №❶

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Great  :goodjob2:
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Offline Lester

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Thanks Dave.... :D

Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.....

Well done mate, great pics, great blogs. :goodjob2:
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Offline rustynutz

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Ok, time to bring this road trip saga to it's conclusion..... :cool:

I left Townsville, heading for home at 6am.....leaving earlier and I would increase my chances of meeting more "skippies" out on the road.
This would be my departure time for the next few days as I had fairly large distances to cover.
My destination for the day was "Roma", a bit over 1000 kilometres away....

My first stop (other than for fuel) was at McDonalds at Charters Towers.....
As much as I dislike Maccas, breakfast there is usually pretty painless and holdups before getting back on the road are minimal.

Once you've left Charters Towers there's pretty much nothing until Clermont, some 370+ kilometres away other than "Belyando Crossing" which is a roadhouse/rest area situated roughly half way.

Much of this road had been improved since I last came through here which was a relief as back then the "seal" was pretty much single lane only and confronting "road trains" coming from the opposite direction usually involved you pulling completely off the road and waiting for them to pass as they refuse to move over at all. Not so bad when the road is dry, but a nightmare when the red soil is wet from rain....

Well, I should've known the good road wouldn't last.....
There ended up being mile after mile after mile of road works, which was frustrating enough but at one point I had to park off the road for probably 30 minutes while a truck carrying a huge excavator crawled through the road works. All up I probably lost an "hour" with these delays, not something I really wanted as I was hoping to make it to Roma before dark to avoid kangaroos.
To make up time I "sailed" through Belyando Crossing, not needing fuel and not feeling the need for a stretch.....'Twas the same with Clermont.....
By the time I arrived at Emerald I was ready for a bite to eat so stopped just long enough to get some takeaway and then it was back on the road again.

By now the weather was looking like rain and sure enough it started shortly after, turning the intermittent roadworks into slush.....Fantastic!
With my car now looking like a toilet, I arrived at Roma right on sunset, thankfully with no wildlife encounters to speak of, seeing only cattle, which are allowed to roam freely on many of the roads.

I fuelled up, found my Motel for the night then settled down to a bit of tele before heading to bed, knowing I had to do it all again the next morning.... :)

I was up at 5.20am, showered and at the local McDonalds for brekky by 6am.
Today's journey was only 900 odd kilometres so I was hopeful I'd have some time for a stop off at "Lightning Ridge....

Thankfully roadworks weren't an issue and I made good time, stopping for a few photos and a stretch at "Hebel", just before the Queensland/NSW border....

Mount Zamia & Virgin Rock

Hebel Hotel

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Offline Doggie 1

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Great narrative & pics, Rusty.  :goodjob2:
  • Tertius the i30

Offline Shambles

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Spectacular stuff - highly entertaining :goodjob:
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Offline Phil №❶

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Gee, for some reason, I found that pub pic quite depressing. Great write up though, all other pic great.  :goodjob2: :D
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