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Offline whitbomb07

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    • au Australia
      Newcastle, Australia
Hey guys

Was going for a drive today and had to throw the anchors out at one point (some idiot stopped in front of me) and whilst braking there was a loud Clunk that came from the front. I've got no idea what it was, I didn't see ABS light up and it didn't seem to be something associated with ABS (I personally haven't activated ABS ever, though I've been told what it's like) it was just one big CLUNK!!! Right at the end before I stopped.

I ran the car up a few times and used heavy braking (still not seeing a ABS light though) and nothing happened, so I continued on my way.

Car seems fine, nothing noticeable wron, looked underneath and everything looked fine. (Although I'm no expert)

Anybody else have this happen?

Thanks In Advance



Offline camerooney

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  • NSW Australia
I havent had anything like this happen.
I sometimes get a slight clunk when taking off but not very often.

Perhaps it was just the brakes gripping?
The car is still new so I would expect things to be a little stiff.

I've never had to brake too hard in mine yet luckily so perhaps thats why I havent heard it..
If I get a quite road somewhere tomorrow I'll see if it happens to me.


Offline camerooney

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  • NSW Australia
I found a quite backstreet today and tested the brakes.
Halting to a stop from 50kms and 70kms.

I did hear a clunk at one stage but I was braking downhill. It only sounded like the brakes gripping though.


Offline Thumper

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You'll probably find it was indeed the ABS cutting in for a second as you jumped on the anchors just a tad too hard.

I have heard the same thing when pulling up quickly when the road surface has cracks in it, causing one wheel to slip slightly. The first activation of the ABS is rather loud, then subsequent activations get softer. (This is on wet roads. Haven't driven my i30 on dirt)

As for the ABS flashing, never seen that on mine, even when the ABS was working it's magic, skating on black ice!

Offline psychonurse

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I had to break really hard on the motorway the other week. You could really tell the ABS had activated. The car kept completely straight. No clunking noise though

Offline umbro

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i did some heavy brakeing and i can tell you that the ABS light wont come up if it actives, and when it does you can feel a vibration in your brake pedal.

Offline Shuggy

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Guys if you have to brake that hard you have done something wrong in your driving. Think about it!

Offline camerooney

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    • au Australia
      South Coast NSW

  • NSW Australia
Guys if you have to brake that hard you have done something wrong in your driving. Think about it!

Not necessarily

There have been times when things out of my control have occurred, and even sitting back away from the car in front and continuously scanning the road ahead, I've still had the need to put on the anchors quite hard.

Good example, was driving along a straight stretch of highway near Gerringong along Gerroa and Crooked River Road, a ladder flew out a truck in front of me. I was sitting about 5 cars back from it. Fortunately it bounced off the side of the road in time but I still had to brake hard to avoid hitting it. Similar thing happened on the Princes Highway except with a spare tyre. It also bounced off to the side of the road.

There will always be things out of our control when driving. Even if you're a safe and cautious driver.

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