Hi guys, haven't been on site for a while. Did a trip from Melbourne to Port Macquarie just before Xmas it being the first time that route in the i30. Have done the same track in the old Camry on several occasions. We go via Shepparton to Tamworth on the Newel Hwy then across the mountains via Wauchope to Port. Then we return the same way. Apart from a few miles into town and to the golf course we don't do many more miles and those miles are usually similar on each trip.
To get to the point, I keep an account of expenses and the petrol used by the Camry has been $229 for 2011 while the i30 cost us $158 which is a saving of $70 and doesn't take into account the higher cost of petrol in 2012. I can't be bothered working out the actual MPL but it's a considerable saving. Maybe one of you math genius's can do that.
My missus always wants to fly but the airfare is approx. $800 for 2 people plus would need to hire a car when there.
All hail the i30.
Only thing I don't like about the i30 is it's slight pause before accelerating when I put my foot down. I'm told that it's the computer making up its mind.