Here are some of the photos from the Targa Wrest Point that my youngest son and I went to today. It was just a short 10 minute walk from our house, with no crowds!!
The cars ranged from the Classics to the Supercars. My son's favourite was the Torana and the Lambo. I can't go past the Porsche 911.
The Fiat (a bit blurry, sorry)

Ford Cortina

Ford Capri

Jim Richards in his Porsche 911

The Lambo

The 'Rana (an A9X)

We were lucky where we were, as there were two stages over the same road. Due to an accident with one of the cars (it had an argument with a tree and lost) the second stage was delayed by an hour. Still, we got to see some very nice cars driven fairly hard on normal roads, and got to see some of them twice from two different positions.