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Australian Election 2013

Ugly Mongrel · 749 · 145589

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Offline rustynutz

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Did you know he is a lawyer by trade - a banking and finance lawyer no less?


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Never mind Dave... :Pout:

Some people are good with figures, then there's poor ol' Joe...me thinks he was a clown in a previous life...  :rofl:

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
And Waynus Swanus was just so good.  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And now we have the Minister of Failure who failed so miserably in his last portfolio that he was given the treasurer's job because most of the other Labor "talent" walked out the door because they couldn't work with Krudd again.  :lol:
It is laughable.
  • Tertius the i30

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Leopards don't change thir spots & birds of a feather flock together.

Great judgement shown by Deputy PM Albo.  :rolleyes:

He has been banished from the Labor Party and is facing more than 170 fraud and theft charges including allegations he used union funds to pay for prostitutes. 
But that didn't stop Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese last night enjoying a few beers with controversial Independent MP Craig Thomson in the middle of the election campaign.

  • Tertius the i30

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  • Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma.
Leopards don't change thir spots & birds of a feather flock together.

Great judgement shown by Deputy PM Albo.  :rolleyes:

He has been banished from the Labor Party and is facing more than 170 fraud and theft charges including allegations he used union funds to pay for prostitutes. 
But that didn't stop Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese last night enjoying a few beers with controversial Independent MP Craig Thomson in the middle of the election campaign.

And Tony Abbott went to Peter Slipper's wedding and supported Slipper  while he was under investigation (as a Liberal) for fraudulent use of $14000 of taxpayer's funds for dodgy travel, funds he had to pay back. And all through the investigation, good old Tony supported Peter Slipper, including his 2010 pre-selection.
I suppose that makes Tony a leopard just like Albo.
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Offline Doggie 1

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Not my recollection of it.
Tony Abbott had been trying to get rid of Slipper for ages, Terry.
  • Tertius the i30

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  • Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma.
Not my recollection of it.
Tony Abbott had been trying to get rid of Slipper for ages, Terry.

This might help jog your memory, Dave.  :rofl:


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Offline Doggie 1

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Fair cop.
As I've said though Terry, it is so, so easy to dig up dirt on either side and if you would like me to go one for one with you I am happy to do so but I fail to see what it achieves because both you & I aren't going to budge.
AFAIC Slipper is a weasel of the first order and glad to be rid of him.  :fum:
It does not change one iota my views on the Liberal party.
Gillard was so slimy she did everything she could to get Slipper to abandon Liberal and move to the position of Speaker in order to hang on to her (at the time) tenuous position as PM so she could move the current Speaker and secure one more vote on the floor and he obliged.
Glad to be rid of both Slipper & Gillard - they are both political weasels IMO.
All over come September 7th.   :D
  • Tertius the i30

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  • Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma.
Fair cop. :wtf:

You insinuate Albo has "spots" for having a beer with Thompson, who at this stage is not guilty of anything. Yet when I post some facts, not dirt, on the fact Abbott supported Slippery Pete, it somehow means in your eyes that Tony doesn't have "spots".

For your information, the LNP in Queensland drove Slipper out of the party, Julia Gillard did not.

Here, read the facts, not some fancy idea.

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Offline Doggie 1

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Fair cop. :wtf:

You insinuate Albo has "spots" for having a beer with Thompson, who at this stage is not guilty of anything. Yet when I post some facts, not dirt, on the fact Abbott supported Slippery Pete, it somehow means in your eyes that Tony doesn't have "spots".

For your information, the LNP in Queensland drove Slipper out of the party. Julia Gillard

Say again?????

It doesn't make sense.

The coalition was happy to see him gone.

Gillard was happy to accept him to save her own political skin.

Paint it anyway you like, Labor wanted him to defect to survive themselves and didn't care about his past.

LNP were glad to see him gone.

Don't start telling me that Labor is clean, please.  :rolleyes:

  • Tertius the i30

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  • Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma.
Did you read the article, Dave? The Libs were shit scared Slipper would leave the party if not pre-selected and they would lose his vote on the floor of parliament.

I've never said Labor was clean, but when your post (no source supplied) about Albo insinuates that he is tainted  for  having a beer with Thompson and cannot see it is logical for me to infer that Abbott is also tainted for supporting Slipper, I find that strange.
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Offline Doggie 1

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You find lots of things strange.  :lol:
Rather than trying to cloud the issue, what do you think about your deputy PM engaging socially with Thompson during an election campaign, bearing in mind that Thompson has been charged with criminal offences?
Do you think that is acceptable?
  • Tertius the i30

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  • Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma.
You find lots of things strange.  :lol:
Rather than trying to cloud the issue, what do you think about your deputy PM engaging socially with Thompson during an election campaign, bearing in mind that Thompson has been charged with criminal offences?
Do you think that is acceptable?

Yes, I do think it's acceptable. Albo can have a beer with whoever he like. If Thompson was a convicted criminal, I would find it unacceptable.

What I do find unacceptable is the man who wants to be our next PM defending a person who was proven to have defrauded the Commonwealth.
  • Lubricious, the greatest 2010 CW Auto diesel.

Offline Doggie 1

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You find lots of things strange.  :lol:
Rather than trying to cloud the issue, what do you think about your deputy PM engaging socially with Thompson during an election campaign, bearing in mind that Thompson has been charged with criminal offences?
Do you think that is acceptable?

Yes, I do think it's acceptable. Albo can have a beer with whoever he like. If Thompson was a convicted criminal, I would find it unacceptable.

What I do find unacceptable is the man who wants to be our next PM defending a person who was proven to have defrauded the Commonwealth.

BUT GILLARD DID THAT!!  Remember????
She refused to be drawn on Slipper and defended him to the hilt?
Have you forgotten or overlooked that?
  • Tertius the i30

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Fascinating, but it just shows that they're all dishonest and we're forced to choose whomever may be the lesser evil or danger to our country. :rolleyes:
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Offline Ugly Mongrel

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  • Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma.

Offline Ugly Mongrel

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  • Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma.

Offline Aussie Keith

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Fascinating, but it just shows that they're all dishonest and we're forced to choose whomever may be the lesser evil or danger to our country. :rolleyes:


Now, back to seeing what's on offer so we can bitch and moan about that when they don't deliver it - irrespective of who "they" turn out to be. Already we are seeing the Libs renege on some of their stated policy. They will do whatever Labour are doing only better and for less as well, or more depending on which is more advantageous at the time. Of course all party's reserve the right to be flexible and change with the wind current circumstances - especially at election time.

Hokey has been turned inside and out by Leigh trying to explain in economic terms that black is in fact white, unless its black. Or white, depending on how it best suits his argument du jour. Its fantastic stuff, I can't wait for the news tonight. If Abbot was smart he would be keeping Hokey a million miles from a microphone. I have been LMAO. Pity its so serious.

On the Labour front, let me just say this - Kevin still has a thin skin. You don't need to poke him hard before he goes off. Hmmm.

Yep its going to be an interesting few weeks.

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Offline Ugly Mongrel

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  • Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma.

Offline rustynutz

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Online Surferdude

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Posted without predjudice................. :whistler:

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Offline Aussie Keith

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Posted without predjudice................. :whistler:

Bahahahaha!!!! Wait a minute....
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Offline Phil №❶

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Watch out bubs. pollies are out and about.

Stop the boats kisses :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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And as far as solar is concerned, it's a wait and see game but I can't say that I'm overly confident they will do the right thing by those who have already installed solar systems in their houses. I hope they do but I'm not holding my breath.
Getting back to this sorry for going  :offtopic: again,but it is great to actually see Barnett actually keep one of his promises,he has slashed the Trarrif for solarusers who got in early from 40 cents to 20cents,it has also been rumoured,next years budget it wil be cut again to what the rest of us late comers get,less than 10 cents,onya Colin.
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IMO he has stuffed up.
How the hell can he do that when the people who bought the early solar systems for such high prices have a contract?
If he doesn't back down on that one, my feeling is he will get, and deserves, a class action from disgruntles solar participants.
As in my above post, I told you not to hold your breath.  :whistler:
  • Tertius the i30

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IMO he has stuffed up.
How the hell can he do that when the people who bought the early solar systems for such high prices have a contract?
If he doesn't back down on that one, my feeling is he will get, and deserves, a class action from disgruntles solar participants.
As in my above post, I told you not to hold your breath.  :whistler:
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Offline Phil №❶

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Dave is correct, a contract is binding and that's that, which is how it should be.  :goodjob2:
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Dave is correct, a contract is binding and that's that, which is how it should be.  :goodjob2:
Yep. Barry O'Farrell tried to override the contracts when he came to power in NSW but wasn't able to do so. Similar talk in Qld came to naught (thankfully).
What they CAN do is change the FIT for new sign ups.
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Offline Phil №❶

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This whole business is as usual a political exercise, instead of an investment in the future's of our children. There was a theoretical limit to the amount of solar contribution that would be allowed before the rebates were to cut out. 270MW capacity nationally IIRC. To get the ball rolling, the FIT's were more "attractive" but then each state doctored the tariffs to suit themselves, Qld (Gross ) SA (Net) inputs respectively etc. An industry has been created installing these systems (most panels are imported though) and now the bubble has burst and many people are going to be looking for work.

The capital cost for solar installation is high and whether it be business or a private household, there has to be an acceptable ROI for the cost to be justified. As Surferdude said, a better way of creating a more stable ongoing industry, which after all, reduces our reliance on dirty fuel generation should be adopted. Why stop at 270 MW.
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