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Manual Mirror to Power Mirrors

voom · 5 · 2340

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Offline voom

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Hi all.Can I upgraded my Manual Mirror of My i30 2011  to Power Mirrors.
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Offline Dazzler

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Manual Mirrors! I had forgotten some had come out with that!

Would need to source a new mirror assembly and switch unit as well (at the least) The other wiring may be there.

Cheaper to do just the passenger side (you can reach the drivers side easily enough)

Can't recall anyone doing it, but my memory can be unreliable!

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Offline voom

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    • ba Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yeah in some market (cheapest) they come without power mirrors.I Recently bought this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140958719136?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 and i want to install it but it seems that will not be so easy.I will try to make some picture tomorrow.Yes Dazzler you are right i will need also new mirror assembly and switch unit,i have found this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170696733940?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649.
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Offline Dazzler

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Ebay is often your best option  :goodjob:
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Offline Jesse91

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Hi I have not seen anyone switch out the mirrors yet but I have plans on doing it as soon as I can convince myself on the cost of it, and it's not going to be easy.

You will need, the electric mirrors, door switch (like in you link), some wire, and possibly the original plugs going into the mirrors from a model with the folding mirrors.

Best place I have sound the mirrors for sales is here http://automotiveappleapro.com/product.php?id_product=415 they do have an ebay store but the prices are more (probably due to ebay fees). They are selling a pair for $347.39 USD which includes postage and PAINTING so it is pretty good considering the cheapest quote I have got from a wreckers here is $200 AUD each! and I have yet to find some in my colour... You could also just purchase the folding motor assembly from koreanautoparts.com for $150 USDeach and install them into your existing mirrors but in my opinion its even more effort and you can't sell your original mirrors and get some money back from them.

It is not going to be just a plug and play job as the the plugs for the manual mirrors don't included the wires for the folding ones. The plug going into the mirrors is an 8 hole plug like this..

 /           /|
[.][.][.][.] /                                                                                                       
[.][.][.][.]/  The folding mirrors have 8 wires going into them where the manual mirrors only have 5 wires going into the plug leaving these ones blank...
                              /           /|
                             [.][.][.][.] /<---- first 2 from the right
this one here ----->[.][.][.][.]/

Which I am assuming that the top 2 that are together will be the "fold in" and "fold out" signals with the other one being the indicator signal for the led indicator on the mirror.

Now assuming that you can't insert and crimp those extra 3 wires into the existing plug then you would have to get some original plugs with the 8 wires coming off from the back to wire up yourself.   

Also the plug going into the back of the mirror switch looks like this...
 /                  /|
[.][.][.][.][.][.] /<----- wiring in the first 2 from right                                                                                                       
[.][.][.][.][.][.]/ <----- wiring in the first 5 from right

Which means that there are 5 blank spots 2 of which will be the signal wire from the switch to fold the mirrors in and out. Now again if you can't just crimp the wires into the existing plug then you are going to have to get one from a model with it already pre wired. Once you find out which prongs send the signal to the fold in fold out you will have to run wire up to the mirror into the correct hole.

But its not over yet.. if you have done all that then you will also need to run the signal wires for the "fold in/fold out" through the door and across the dash into the passenger door and up to the passenger mirror.

And lastly if you want to have the indicators on the mirrors flashing then you will also need to run an indicator wire though both doors and up to the mirrors as there are no live indicator wires in the door.

I know it probably sounds a lot easier just to buy a CW and chop it down to a hatch haha, but I wish you good luck and take some photos if you give it a go!

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