i30 Owners Club

Turanza Serenity tyres lasted over 125 000km

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Offline Doggie 1

  • V.I.P
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    • au Australia

  • 2019 PD2 Go Petrol, Manual. 30,000 kms.
I appreciate all the suggestions, but I've decided for the sake of expediency, to stick with who I know and go back to Rob at Integrity Tyres, now I know the steering sensor thing isn't an issue.
I have always found him to be a lot cheaper than anywhere else I've got quotes from because of the volume he does.
I do know as well that price isn't everything and I've always had good service from him so am happy to go back.
My ears, as I've previously said on this forum, could not pick any difference in noise between Korean tyres and the Continentals, and I got nowhere near the kms out of the Contis compared to the Kumhos (by a long way). Plus they're a hundred dollars cheaper.  :D
I used to get over 100,000 kms out of Kumhos on my Fords, although as I've said, I was then doing 12-13,000 kms per month so they were always warm.
  • Tertius the i30

Nothing wrong with Kumhos Dave, I used to run them on my clubby :goodjob2:

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