i30 Owners Club

HOW TO: i30 FD front strut removal

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Offline BrendanP

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    • gb United Kingdom
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I've recently done this to change a spring, and made a guide on how to do it. Note that this is a guide for a competent DIY mechanic, use it at your own risk. If you don't feel confident that you can do this safely, please leave it to a professional.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2021, 21:21:50 by BrendanP »
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Offline BrendanP

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    • gb United Kingdom
      East Midlands
As a post script, this photo shows how much thread should poke above the top nut when it is assembled properly. I noticed on the strut where a garage had replaced the spring, that the thread was flush with the top of the nut. I removed the strut, took the spring off, and had a look at the top bearing plate that the nut holds on. I don't know how they managed to do it, but a burr had been thrown up on the inside of the hole in the plate that was blocking the strut tie rod from going all the way through the plate.

I filed off the burr with a small file until the rod went all the way in. Re-assembled the strut, put it back in the car, the nut now seats fully onto the thread as shown.

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