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2008 CRDi Burning Engine Oil . Started as DPF blocking Turbo

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Offline Bonzai_101

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2008 CRDi Burning Engine Oil . Started as DPF blocking Turbo

Lads - I'm stuck and I've gone through the Forum and found similar posts .... but I'm still stuck.
4 Weeks ago turbo stopped working . Car was drivable . Mechanic said replacement Turbo as a result of DPF Filter blocked. I put DPF Cleaner in the Fuel tank to which resulted in lots of smoke coming from the exhaust . Now the Smoke coming from the Exhaust is White and is burning excessive oil in the Engine.

I'll be fixing this myself and I believe I should be starting at the PCV Valve then I need to see why the oil is backed up at the back of the Turbo.
According to most of the Forums - There doesn't seem to be a valve other than the air inlet into the turbo has a circular unit than leads to a vent on the Engine/ Rocker cover .
I've taken  this off and the circular unit doesn't resemble a valve of any sort . Just a restriction of air intake to the Turbo .
When I examine the turbo . The oil pipe at the bottom has a leak or there is excessive oil ( a build up )
- Car burning a huge amount of oil from Engine 
- White smoke pouring out the exhaust
- Turbo not working ( No oil in the air Turbo air intake pipe .... When I remove the Air intake Pipe Turbo it looks clean and undamaged )
As of the age of the car 2008 no warranty and I'm working on a 0% budget to fix  ....

  • 2008 FD 5 Door Hatch, Diesel 1.6 CRDi , Manual , Grey

Offline Bonzai_101

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So I noticed the
- Engine Oil Burning down quite quickly then White smoke with soon stop
- Smoke would stop after a long journey .
Following this engine oil would soon be below a dippable level and smoke would stop
  • 2008 FD 5 Door Hatch, Diesel 1.6 CRDi , Manual , Grey

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I have not posted here in some time, but I use to own a car like your's myself.
hard to say what your problem is, with limited, history & info.
How long have you owned the car & how many miles has it traveled so far?

Offline Bonzai_101

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Hi ( Love the Cat in your Picture )
Have the car 12 months .
250k Miles
When I first bought the car the EPS/ABS was coming on . Had lots of work done since .
So the symptoms seem to be quite clear .
1) The turbo stopped working and there seems to be negative pressure in the Turbo .Oil not flowing through the Turbo correctly .
    - From looking at posts this could be as a result of a backup of oil - Oil not flowing through properly .
     - Mechanic suggested it was the DPF Filter backed up the Turbo and needed a new Turbo . Which I disagree with
2) The Engine is burning a huge amount of engine oil when Hot and this seems to be accurate when Engine oil levels are High ( As in I top up the oil and it burns it off )
    White Smoke coming out of the Exhaust ....... LOTS of SMOKE ...then oil in Engine Drops

So I'm of the opinion it may be a blocked Value / maybe a gasket gone ...but no evidence of leaking oil around the Engine or under Car when Stopped
When I start the Car if it was a cylinder issue Smoke should immediately come from the exhaust if there was a Cylinder issue
So my thoughts are simple
- Not a Turbo issue but the Turbo isn't circulating oil back to Pan 
- Blocked Valve of some sort ??

  • 2008 FD 5 Door Hatch, Diesel 1.6 CRDi , Manual , Grey

Offline Bonzai_101

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Today - In all my Wisdom I followed a few Videos on how to clean out the Intercooler .... Which made the car and Air intake run smoothly .
Next I'll be changing the Gaskets / Head primarily to resolve the White Smoke out of the Exhaust as this seems to have nothing to do with the DPF Filter .
My belief is once the Turbo causes trouble the additional strain / Pressure on an old Engine will wear parts quicker ...
I found this site which I think invaluable in identifying Hyundai parts ...

  • 2008 FD 5 Door Hatch, Diesel 1.6 CRDi , Manual , Grey

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