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Electric windows: how to operate them while engine is off (i30 2.gen 2016 GDe)

harvi · 15 · 3393

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Offline harvi

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Hi all,

I'm disapointed with no possibility of windows movement when engine is off. There is only short time period (less than 1 minute after switch off - but it stops immediately if any doors are open in this time - I really don't understand why it is so - for me it is insane) while they're still operational. I want to extend this operability - ideally while all time, while is car unlocked or at least extend the time of power on to about 30min and remove the reset when doors are open.. i.e. I'm waiting in parking place waiting for a wife  :P and I want to open or close windows while engine is off... I've found schematic attached below, so the goal is set power RH and LH relay on while car is not locked. I don't know those relays location, but I assume, they're somewhere inside BCM unit. Is it possible modify this function via software configuration? (they are controlled by BCM software for sure). Another option is bypass grounding pin with additional relay or bypass power contact (I don't know what is easier, it depends on real relays location and accessibility.

Does anybody have any other solution or idea how to do this?

  • 2016 i30 GDe 1.6GDi manual white sand

Offline The Gonz

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I presume it is indeed a BCM function. It's mildly annoying in my FD as well, when my wife opens the door before I get a chance to wind the windows down when I park inside our garage. It may be easier to create a parallel circuit to bypass the BCM logic than to mess with the software. If you find the relays are separate from the BCM, you could try adding a remote receiver to switch battery feed directly to the relays. Then your special remote sender can use four buttons, one for each window, or two (up and down) for each front window, depending on how you design your logic.

I've designed and sold car remote locking kits based on encrypted UHF radio similar to garage door openers, so it can be done.
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Offline harvi

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First, I assumed it could be configurable in software similar as VW VAG config are, but my experience with Hyundai diagnostic is very limited. So normally it is the easiest solution, but probably not available in this case. Is it something configurable in sw in HND cars? There are more things which makes me crazy in this car, like automatic unfold mirrors, when I pass by the car, shift advisor in dashboard shows only to shift up(I want down also and also show current gear), this stuff with windows.... According dealers in my country nothing is possible. I can't believe it, because all this systems are programming as universal and are configured into many ways.. Hard to believe for me, I work with electronics and programming for long  time.. MY 15y old Peugeot has many of these functions to configure..

Second solution: make parallel relay is possible to do also, but now I have no information regarding their exact location or cables from harness. Does anybody have this kind of information? Photos, CAD drawing, everything..

Third solution: (less fine, but working) is bypass RH and LH power relay in BCM, take a power from parallel fuse holder (from normal window fuses) and bypass whole BCM relay with real power wires connected to any accessible place in harness. This is brute force solution  :crazy2: but it could work either.

For me is not a problem make parallel device (based on arduino or anything else), just these infos regarding BCM and harnesses are missing me. 
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Offline harvi

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Does anyone have photo of disassambled fuse box (smart junction box) in cabin? There should be a both power relay located. Easiest solution seems to be override these two relays (for LH and RH). I'd like to see it before I use my real unit in car :)
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Offline harvi

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hi all,

i've got spare interior fuse box from carwreck, so there is a progress in theme :) There are two relays, which enable power windows (in red circle). They are controlled with transistor E01W (I don't have parameters, but it looks at least 1A), it switch to ground. Current draw for both relays is about 130mA. Transistor is connected to chip and controlled by car software. So the goal could be just override transistor with another or relay or just a manual switch. it could works as 'emergency' with just a switch. Attached several pics from autopsy :) I will create some logic after my holiday, so feel free to propose something  :happydance:

Fuse box

Fuse box back side

Fuse box frontside

Power window enable relays

Switching transistor

First attempt to relay control   :Shocked:

PS: if there is anybody crazy enough, can try it and let me know :victory: I will modify my one after the holiday
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Offline The Gonz

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Good stuff! Having a spare with which to experiment is a great advantage. You're on the right track. :victory:
  • Frugal Firty: FDSLXCRDi5spHyperSilverBodyKit+Mods & MrsG'sPDSRPrem

Offline harvi

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There is a small progress in project. I've done some current measurements:

Idle current when windows unit enabled for one side (two door units enabled) is approx. 125mA. Measured through fuse. Current less than 1mA when disabled.

Current for enable signal  (pin 13 and 26, COM) is approx 3.5mA for one side (for both door units). 

So that mean, is it possible to use low amp relay or switching transistor to enable window modules. 

Next step will be find out any logic when  to switch on/off them :) I want be able to operate windows as long as car is unlocked in ideal way and make it all simple...

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Offline The Gonz

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Have you measured current in those pins when windows are in operation? It may be more, so make sure your relay or semiconductor can handle the worst case.
  • Frugal Firty: FDSLXCRDi5spHyperSilverBodyKit+Mods & MrsG'sPDSRPrem

Offline harvi

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No, there are currents, when windows are enabled (ready to move) but idle- not moving. When windows are moving, the current is about 5 to 8Amps, but this is not important for me. All what I need to do is switch enabled input COM, to wake up windows module. Power wires are B+, there is no change planned.

Windows without auto function are wired in different way, there is power directed through the relays in fuse box
  • 2016 i30 GDe 1.6GDi manual white sand

Offline The Gonz

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Then you should have no problem using relays or solid state switching transistors. Good luck! :victory:
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Offline harvi

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I have an idea how to switch this small relay. There is a relay, which cut off power from interior lamps, if you forget them on for long time (20min without other activity, or when car is locked). It is called leak autocut relay

So it looks I can plug my auxilliary power windows enable relay right behind the fuse F23, it will be switched on, when car is unlocked, off while long time without car usage or locked. This looks to be exactly, what I'm looking for. Attached flowchart and drawing for autocut relay also..

I will test the cut off function with some led lamp connected to F23 and ground and I will let you know.

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Offline The Gonz

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Very cool. Looking forward to your test results! :goodjob:
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Offline harvi

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Mission complete  :P All works as I expected, windows are enabled when car is unlocked, with advatage deep sleep same as interior lights. Very easy connection with simple relay circuit and 3 diodes (just for additional protection, not necessary)

Total cost of instalation less than 5Eur
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Offline The Gonz

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Well done. I'll forgive the quality of the soldering on the strength of the success of your solution  :lol: :goodjob:
  • Frugal Firty: FDSLXCRDi5spHyperSilverBodyKit+Mods & MrsG'sPDSRPrem

Offline harvi

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photo is little bit sized up, it has 2x3cm in fact. It is placed on spare universal PCB. No plan for serial production so far ;) It is just a working technological demonstrator  :crazy1:
  • 2016 i30 GDe 1.6GDi manual white sand

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