i30 Owners Club

Carparks, people & OTHER people's cars

Bob.W · 4 · 1129

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Offline Bob.W

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Quick thought provoker:  Why does it seem more than ever people who damage other folks' cars in carparks or wherever both want to get away with it anonymously & are very reckless about causing it in the first place i.e seemingly not caring if they damage someone elses car.

My wife parks in a large multistory carpark - alas no CCTV.  The other day she's pulling out for the garage and I'm waving her off and I notice something and beckon her to stop.

Across the bonnet of the car are 3 big shoe imprints (very visiable as it's a dark blue car) - with the bonnet damaged partially on both the paint and pushed in on two of them.

She actually got upset - as it was so 'WTF?' - and I was amazingly calm. We all get the usual dings in our door but last car we had before this got completely sideswiped in a Bunning carpark - again no CCTV but massive white scrape and panel depression up the side. Us left with the bill.

I know I'm hardly unique or hard done by - as we all wear a bit of this (some worse than others) but what do we think is the real reason folks seem to not give a toss these days?

Just to clarify - so during working week business hours - someone had felt it was okay to literally run across the bonnet our our car!  Very busy carpark too.  Its that type of mentality to others property I'm wondering, where it comes from and why it's so prevelant?
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Offline CraigB

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I completely agree Bob, the quest for many to do extreme and ridiculous stunts at others expense shows how little respect they have :disapp:  common decency doesn't get past down the gene pool unfortunately.

Malicious damage and violence seems to be on such a huge increase, some of the scumbags even film it for Tiktok :crazy1:

Offline Surferdude

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It's pretty common all right.

There are regular posts on community FB pages from people asking if anyone has dash cam footage or saw an incident in a car park.

The biggest problem is that, even with CCTV footage ( which only the police have access to even in shopping centre car parks), getting any action seems to be impossible. Too small an issue for police to get involved and insurance companies also just pay up because the amount is so small.

A few years ago our daughter moved to Darwin to work and in the first few weeks her car (unmarked up till then) was backed into with a towbar and sideswiped. Neither offender left details.

And don't start me on the parents whose kids literally throw the door open as soon as their car is parked, with nasty consequences for the car beside them. And just walk away.
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Offline Bob.W

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Appreciate the replies.

Yes, as mentioned there's 2 things I kinda don't understand - but then I suppose I kind of do. So they're not so much questions, as these are unanswerable but questions that are 'statements'.

- Why do folks who inadvertantly/accidently damage others cars - not take some accountability for this? e.g Assume I'm a good person  and I accidently back into another car in a carpark, I've not done a heap of damage to it - but the bumper is pushed in and paint off.  No-one has seen me do it - so I quickly hop back in my car and drive off.

- And why do folks just seem to not worry if they do damage other folks cars? (haha possible these are just the folks BEFORE they do the damage in the above posed query) e.g they park super close to you, fling their doors open - there's definitely no thought to 'I don't want to damage anyone elses car' and I'm not sure if there's much more given to their own.

Is it just general apathy?   Having had 'damage' done to their car they feel morally ok to pass this same thing on to others?  Narcissism? 

I was actually talking with a Smash repairer about it and he said the stories he'd heard about the lengths these types of people go to in order to get away with their 'crimes'. e.g presumably as they were witnessed by others, leaving notes that had nothing written on them or with false phone numbers (again presumably incase the witness walked over to check the note).

And in writing this it occurs to me that as a society we look on car park 'bingles', door openings, scrapes up sides, rolling trolleys - very lightly...almost as a 'Oh well' you've got to accept it kinda thing.    I've kind of seen that way.

So tell me what is the difference in me recklessly opening my utes door into another persons car, leaving a big mark in it  as opposed to me walking up to someones car with a hammer and giving it a whack in the side door?

Anyway know I'm preaching to the choir - just a wet day morning gripe from an oldie.

:-) Bob
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