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turn it anti clockwise,it just screws off. it may need a mans strength to loosten it um.
Quote from: 2i30s on April 02, 2011, 07:08:59turn it anti clockwise,it just screws off. it may need a mans strength to loosten it um. Doesn't sound like that worked...
yer probably screw driver, there would be a screw behind it or in the side if its like most autos, if its like the maxima then its a window winder clip hidden under a trim at the base...
lolin all seriousness im thinking about getting one of these babies for my i30!http://cgi.ebay.com.au/300mm-DILDO-BUBBLE-SHIFT-KNOB-Pink-S13-S14-S15-/170627115596?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item27ba2b2a4c
Quote from: agentr31 on May 06, 2011, 09:39:25lolin all seriousness im thinking about getting one of these babies for my i30!http://cgi.ebay.com.au/300mm-DILDO-BUBBLE-SHIFT-KNOB-Pink-S13-S14-S15-/170627115596?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item27ba2b2a4cDon't do it.. Looks like 2.9% of the people that bought one of those got shafted..
It's not very lifelike.... And is that a man's 300mm or a woman's?
Where does the extra seat belt mount when you turn it into a 6 seater?
Me suspects ithurtydeesl is thinking somone might be sitting on the gearshift, so would need seatbelts...yes?