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ras · 2 · 2517

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Offline ras

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I have a question reagrding ESP/TCS.
I have and ESP on/Off button on the dash, obviously to turn ESP off. I was wondering if this also controls TCS or if there is meant to be another button to turn TCS off seperatly? (manual does not mention TCS at all)

This is the new model SLX crdi.


Offline eye30

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    • england England

  • Wirral, UK. - 1.4 Petrol Active - Aqua Blue
Quote from: "ras"
I have a question reagrding ESP/TCS.
I have and ESP on/Off button on the dash, obviously to turn ESP off. I was wondering if this also controls TCS or if there is meant to be another button to turn TCS off seperatly? (manual does not mention TCS at all)

As far as I was informed, if you turn ESP off then you have NO "traction control" operating.

Be safe and always leave ON.
  • 1.4 Petrol Active I'm no expert, so please correct me if

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