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My Road Trip....

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Offline Dazzler

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Excellent Rusty .. really enjoyed that  :happydance: :goodjob:
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Offline rustynutz

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For those that may be interested.... :)

Total Distance covered according to:

Odometer: 7,473 kilometres
GPS:          7,679 Kilometres

Total fuel used:

396.38 litres at a cost of $601.01

Offline Doggie 1

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That's a significant distance between odometer and Gee Pee Ess.
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Offline rustynutz

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That does backup what AlanHo has said about the i30's odometer........

I compared them a couple of times against some 5 kilometre speedo test signs that happened to be on one of the highways I travelled on and I'm inclined to believe the GPS reading is correct..... :goodjob:

Offline rustynutz

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Ok, I've finally got around to uploading one of my many videos I filmed while I was away.
Hopefully this is just one of many I'll eventually post..... :undecided:

Unfortunately the quality isn't fantastic but if you watch it in HD it's not too bad....

This video shows the narrow Mt Spec Road through to Little Crystal Creek Bridge, which is located in the Paluma Range National Park in Far North Queensland.

Offline Dazzler

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Thanks Rusty ... We have some similar drives but that one is narrow  :confused:
  • 2021 MG PHEV ( had 4 x i30 plus a Getz an Elantra and a Tucson)

Offline Doggie 1

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Nice drive.
Those 4WDs like their fair share of road.
  • Tertius the i30

Offline rustynutz

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Thanks guys... :goodjob:
I had visions of scraping the i30 up against the rocky bank or on posts a few times.....

That truck was a bit of a brown trouser moment....

Offline Just Rick

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they certainly have upgraded the road since I was last on it,nice new widened bitumen, white posts and hey when did they add that nice new Armco railing,none of that in the days we used to go up there,didn't see a truck in ya video did see a couple of 4x4's,maybe I blinked and mised it LOL,yes but some pretty hairy spots up that way.
Oh'and the pictures from Castle Hill,bugger me hasn't Townsville grown.
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Offline Phil №❶

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You always meet trucks on a corner, Murphy's Law.  :fum: :scared:
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Offline BrightonSA

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Ok, I've finally got around to uploading one of my many videos I filmed while I was away.
Hopefully this is just one of many I'll eventually post..... :undecided:

Unfortunately the quality isn't fantastic but if you watch it in HD it's not too bad....

This video shows the narrow Mt Spec Road through to Little Crystal Creek Bridge, which is located in the Paluma Range National Park in Far North Queensland.

Your vid reminds me that I must get myself a dashcam.  :)
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Offline rustynutz

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Good idea.... :goodjob:

But, is there that much to film out there?  :whistler:

I recorded heaps but figured who would wanna see miles and miles of pretty much straight roads...  :snigger:

Offline Just Rick

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RN,I have mine on all the time,just delete everything when I am done my trip,only time I keep something is if something goes wrong or something funny, neither has happened yet LOL
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Offline FatBoy

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RN,I have mine on all the time,just delete everything when I am done my trip,only time I keep something is if something goes wrong or something funny, neither has happened yet LOL

I'd do the same, Rick, if I had a dash cam.  I must look at getting one and record my trip into work each day (and maybe some of my work stuff too).  Then I could show you how good some of the drivers are here in Tassie (they are so good they don't need indicators or need to look when they change lanes).

Offline rustynutz

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Ok... :goodjob:
I got mine mainly so I could share some great and not so great roads with our members so I still have every minute of the footage I took on my road trip. From memory I think there's something like 50gb or more of it.... :-[

Offline BrightonSA

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RN,I have mine on all the time,just delete everything when I am done my trip,only time I keep something is if something goes wrong or something funny, neither has happened yet LOL

That's how I intend to use it.  :happydance:
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Offline Doggie 1

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Mine just rolls around continuously so I don't have to delete anything.
I do want to get one for the rear though.
If something happens it can quite often start behind you with an irate driver tailgating or being abusive etc and it would be a good thing to capture it all, especially as they are so cheap to buy.
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Offline rustynutz

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Then I could show you how good some of the drivers are here in Tassie (they are so good they don't need indicators or need to look when they change lanes).

 :whistler: I could've done with the cam in the little Suzuki yesterday as I nearly got cleaned up by some fool who was in the right hand turning lane with his blinker on but who then decided he needed to be in the left lane instead just as I was passing him.  :mad:

Offline BrightonSA

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There must a thread here on dash cam.  Can someone give me the link?   :)
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Offline Just Rick

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RN,I have mine on all the time,just delete everything when I am done my trip,only time I keep something is if something goes wrong or something funny, neither has happened yet LOL

I'd do the same, Rick, if I had a dash cam.  I must look at getting one and record my trip into work each day (and maybe some of my work stuff too).  Then I could show you how good some of the drivers are here in Tassie (they are so good they don't need indicators or need to look when they change lanes).

 Bugger me you must have gotten a boat load of immigrants from WA,that is the exact driving practice over here,but they must of improved on their immigration,because they still don't know how to merge here.
 :rofl: I reckon I must of scared the living begesus out of a your woman yesterday,she merged in front of me on the Roe,was going the same way as I was,when we got to the lights at the off ramp at Berrigan drv,she was beside me,as I knew the lights would take a minimum of five minutes to change,I apply the maxi barakes jumped out and asked through her passenger window if I could shake her hand and congratulate her,she was the first person I have ever come acroos over here you knew how to merge in front of a semi.
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Offline Doggie 1

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That is hilarious Rick.
I know EXACTLY what you mean.
I drove the Roe & Kwinana today down to Mandurah and I kid you not, 90% of drivers do not know how to merge.
10% did.
They just "drift" on to the freeway at 10, 20, 30 km/h under the speed limit, no indicators, oblivious to what might be coming up behind them on the freeway.
It is unbelievable. We have the worst drivers here, I'm sure.
When you get one who does it right it is cause for celebration and if I posted my dashcam video for the entire trip today you would see exactly that.
On the rare occasion a driver got it right I was amazed and said so out loud.  :lol:
But the majority of W.A. drivers really are apathetic and hopeless. They do not have a clue.
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Offline panda

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We have the same non blinker uses here. I nearly got collected by one tonight. He was obviously not paying much attention to the road. He drifted over the line on the freeway into the lane next to him, finally noticed, drifted back, then a 2 cars in front pulled over on the shoulder. I watched him drift over the line, onto the shoulder and not notice the car was stopped there until it was almost too late.

Couple of minutes later while I'm overtaking him, the idiot decides he's going to overtake the car in front of him, pops into my lane (the back of his car was about even with my front passenger door), no blinker what so ever, finally realizes, swings back and then proceeds to give me dirty looks as I pass him like I shouldn't be on the road. What the?!?!

Finally we hit the spot where there is temporarily 3 lanes and he floors it and proceeds up the freeway doing at least 140kms (because going 40kms OVER the speed limit is a really good idea when you're paying zero attention to the road and drivers around you  :whistler:).

How on earth some people get their licences...........
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Offline Just Rick

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That is hilarious Rick.
I know EXACTLY what you mean.
I drove the Roe & Kwinana today down to Mandurah and I kid you not, 90% of drivers do not know how to merge.
10% did.
They just "drift" on to the freeway at 10, 20, 30 km/h under the speed limit, no indicators, oblivious to what might be coming up behind them on the freeway.
It is unbelievable. We have the worst drivers here, I'm sure.
When you get one who does it right it is cause for celebration and if I posted my dashcam video for the entire trip today you would see exactly that.
On the rare occasion a driver got it right I was amazed and said so out loud.  :lol:
But the majority of W.A. drivers really are apathetic and hopeless. They do not have a clue.

Dave I like giving credit where credit is due,but I give it on rare occassions here in WA,but today I had to congratulate another young driver,red P plater,he is the very first one I have ever seen displaying his P plates correctly, in clear veiw at the very rear of the car and the very front of his vehicle,as it was very busy out front of Carousel, I just wound down my passenger window and yelled to him well done matey,there should be more young blokes like you on the road,unlike the majority of them who try to hide their P plates,they're dumbasses,because they get into far more trouble when they do eventually get picked up for doing something wrong and not displaying their plates correctly.

I always thought the worse driers in Australia was a throw up between New South Welshmen or Banana benders,but after doing our trip around Oz,No one and I mean No One holds a card to Western Australian, a majority of them should NOT be on the road, I think we where in Applecross today and for Sue to comment on someones driving abilities it has to be bad we where driving up the road and she yelled out the window(sarcastically I mean) Hey F*#K Wit why don't you park in the middle of the street next time,yes his vehicle was minimum two fett from the kerb
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