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** THE TWILIGHT ZONE: A Hyundai Production **

Flyyte · 47 · 9753

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Offline Flyyte

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  • 47b Hadrian's Wall, Cumbria, England
OK. Not everyone here will remember Rod Serling's TV series The Twilight Zone, but then not many here would've been standing next to me at Queen Victoria's funeral. But that's by-the-by. Twilight Zone was a massively successful sci/fantasy/thriller/weird-stuff show where Strange Things happened as day-to-day existence inexplicably shifted off-kilter.  The original series debuted in 1959 in the US and ran until 1964. But now, in 2012, it's back.  In a place called Darlington, England.  And at a Hyundai dealership that may, just possibly, not exist. . . (Warning: i30 owners of a nervous disposition should look away now.)

It began on a cold and windy morning on Valentine's Day, Tuesday, February 14, 2012 -- a typical English winter, where the sky is the same colour as the roads and you really do not want to be out and about unless necessary. That previous weekend, Mrs F and I decided we'd look around for a Hyundai i30 Estate (CW) to replace our existing car, at that time coming up to its 5th birthday. We went to Auto Trader online to see what might be available and found a one-owner low mileage 2011 i30 CW 1.6 CRDi Premium in light blue at a Hyundai franchise. The advertisement had a link to the dealer site so we then browsed there for more details: pictures, location, phone number, etc. It all looked pretty darn good, except for one thing: it was in Darlington. 

We've never been to Darlington. It may possibly be the jewel in England's tourism crown but it's on the opposite side of the country to us and almost 80 miles distant across some wild wide open landscapes roamed by feral sheep. We decided to check out our local dealership first, because not every franchise-backed car gets advertised on Auto Trader. But Monday's visit yielded nothing, so on Tuesday morning at 10.15am I telephoned the Darlington dealership: S G Petch Darlington Hyundai.

I asked the switchboard for Hyundai sales and was put through to a sales guy called Scott.  I asked Scott to confirm that the car was indeed still for sale, be no point otherwise in me driving all that way. He asked me if I had the registration number of the car. I had; I'd saved a copy of the car's photograph from the SG Petch website.

Scott was very good. Was only off the phone a minute or so to check before returning to say yes, it's still here. Did I wish to come look at it? Yup, I said. OK, said Scott, let me take some details first. Will you be looking to do a PX? Yup. Give me your existing car's details and reg number now then, Scott said, so I'm up to speed before you arrive. I gave Scott the details. And our full name and address. And phone number.

Scott was happy with that; there was just one further point that needed clarifying: if I bought the car today, would it be a PX plus cash, or did I need finance? If the latter, then could I please bring additional IDs to prove who I was and where I lived and the registration document of the car to be traded in. Sorry for any hassle, Scott said, but it's the finance company, not SG Petch, that needs to have all this stuff. I said, no probl;em, if I did decide to do a deal, I wouldn't need finance.

Right, Scott said. It's 10.30am now. When are you thinking of coming over? I said  Mrs F and I would be there at 12.30pm. We hoped we weren't inconveniencing him, it being his lunch time and all. No, no trouble, Scott said. We're here to serve at SG Petch. The car will be ready and waiting for you, we can go out and have a test run, see what you think of it, it's an excellent buy.

So. . . Away we went. A long and tedious cross-country drive to Darlington and the SG Petch Hyundai Darlington dealership. There were probably better ways of spending St  Valentine's Day but we weren't planning to fall in love with Scott so romance really didn't enter into any of  this.

Mrs F and I  finally walked into the showroom at a few minutes before 12.30pm, as per the arrangement made with Scott a mere two hours earlier. A member of the sales staff, sitting at a desk near the showroom entrance, asked, could he help us? We said, we've come about the blue 2011 Hyundai i30 Premium estate you have for sale.

He looked puzzled. "Do we?"

Yes, we said. We discussed it with Scott earlier this morning. Scott said it was here and would be ready and waiting for us at 12.30pm.

"Er. . . who is Scott?"

Scott, we said. You know. Scott. In your sales team. SCOTT. We spoke to him a couple of hours ago.

"Are you sure?"

Yes we're sure, we spoke to him and he took our names and address and phone number and lots of details about us AND about our car and said he'd be here at 12.30pm to meet us. Scott. HE WORKS HERE.

A long pause. 'And you are Mr and Mrs. . . .????'

We gave him our names. He gave us his: Peter. Nice man. He also gave us two cups of coffee. He then went off to check. And eventually returned with the following revelations:

1) No-one at SG Petch Hyundai Darlington had ever heard of us, so:

2) No-one at SG Petch Hyundai Darlington was expecting us; and:

3) There was no blue 2011 Hyundai i30 Premium estate car for sale at SG Petch Hyundai  Darlington; and:

4) There was no salesperson by the name of Scott employed by SG Petch Hyundai Darlington.

Long pause. . .

'But,' I said eventually, 'I spoke to him only two hours ago.'

 SG Petch's kindly Peter looked bemused. 'Well, it's a mystery.'

'Mystery or not, I spoke to Scott and he said the i30 Estate would be here ready and waiting for us.'

'I'm sorry, but I really can't explain any of this.'

'You're trying to tell me. . . there is no salesman called Scott employed by SG Petch here at the Darlington Hyundai dealership?'

'Well if there is, I've never heard of him.'

'And you're also telling me . . . there is no i30 Hyundai estate car in pale blue on sale here?'

'Absolutely not.' Another baffled shrug. 'I really am very, very sorry about this. But, well, you see. . . '

'It's a mystery,' I said, echoing his words.

'Er, well. . . Yes.'

And to cut a long story short, that's how the tale ended.

Obviously, Mrs F and I had stepped into a parallel universe, but perhaps Darlington is just that, a parallel universe, where there are ghost motor cars and ghost used car salesmen. The Scott we'd spoken to at such great length about a Hyundai that did not exist, didn't exist himself, which meant the entire conversation had never existed, either. We had wound up in Darlington because of some strange corrugation in the Time Space continuum, perhaps arranged by the Darlington Tourist Board but on balance, probably not, public spending cut-backs being the way they are right now in the UK.

Which means, therefore, that the terrifying truth cannot be denied: on Tuesday, February 14, 2012, Mrs F and I went in search of a 2011 Hyundai i30 1.6 CRDi Premium CW and journeyed almost the width of England so as to enter. . .

The Twilight Zone.

And, yes, it's all true. Or, er, we think it's all true, I have SG Petch's Peter's business card here on my desk right now but perhaps it doesn't exist because he didn't exist, either, perhaps Darlington doesn't exist, or even Hyundai itself. It's all Twilight Zone.

Thus it was that Mrs F and I had a memorable lunch that day in Morrison's Supermarket, Darlington, (which may not actually be there) but is just round the corner from SG Petch Hyundai Darlington (which may not actually be there either. ) It being Valentine's Day, I did the romantic bit and bought Mrs F some fries to go with her sandwich. Morrison's Supermarket Cafe, Darlington, would not have been our first choice for a Valentine's Day celebration -- Paris is generally preferable -- but we finished up there because the kindly Peter who dealt with us at SG Petch had guided us to the supermarket filling station and put £20sworth of diesel in our tank to compensate for the cost and inconvenience  incurred in entering The Twilight Zone /  going all the bloody way to bloody Darlington and back.

By my math, £20 didn't begin to cover our costs or the inconveninec of a time-wasting 160-mile round trip but the money seemed real and when you're trying to escape the Twilight Zone then you grab whatever you can  so as to get the hell out fast. Even if Mrs F's Valentine's Day fries, sandwich, coffee and bun then accounted for a lot of SG Petch's memorable munificence.

And so we're back here again, albeit with sanity slightly restored because just before we all trooped off to Morrison's to receive £20s worth of  diesel, Peter said ah, good news: the 2011 i30 1.6 CRDi CW in blue you were referring to? We've found it! It was, er, um, sold on Saturday morning. . .

To this day, I've still no idea if they also found Scott as well. Or the personal and vehicle data which Scott took from me but which, when you come to think about it, was never actually taken at all by SG Petch Darlington Hyundai because Scott doesn't exist.

Anyway. That's been our welcome to the world of Hyundai UK --  almost enough to put off anyone anywhere from ever going near the marque. But that'd be silly, because the i30 1.6CRDi CW we now have from a real Hyundai dealership with real sales staff is a beauty. All we would advise is that if you have a friend or relative who decides to go looking for a Hyundai and rings a dealership which puts them through to a salesman called Scott, you'd better tell 'em:

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.       :Shocked:               :Shocked:                        :Shocked:
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What a tale.

But I have a question. If you had seen the advert for the car on the Petch website that very morning - why didn't you ask Peter to open the website and see the advert for himself.

I wonder whether the Auto Trader link was incorrect and you were actually speaking to a different dealership without realising it. The weakness of that thought is that if that were the case - you would have expected Scott to get in touch with you after you failed to turn up.

It is indeed quite a mystery - but thank you for the entertaining read.

Your mystery tale fortunately had a happy conclusion and deserves the final line...and they all lived happily ever after.
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Offline eye30

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  • Wirral, UK. - 1.4 Petrol Active - Aqua Blue
Great tail.

Did you have the phone number you rang with you at Darlington?
If so you could have rung it to see if any of the phones in the dealership rang and Scott may have just appeared.

I take it the car they located was indeed the car you had talked obout i.e. same reg number

If you still have the number give it a ring and see what happens. If it is answered, ask what year it is and if it is in the future ask whether England win the Euro's   :rolleyes:
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Offline bumpkin

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An entertaining, but nonetheless perturbing story.

I suspect that the call you made to what was wrongly advertised as the Darlington branch was one of Petchs other Hyundai branches, either Durham or Middlesbrough, I guess that you didn't actually confirm with the mysterious Scott that he was actually in Darlington (after all why would you?).

This surprises me as Steve Petch has a really good reputation as a multi-franchise dealer, as far as I am aware he covers something like a dozen manufacturers from about 7 locations, but he is one of the biggest Hyundai concerns in the UK, has been for some time, Petch himself used to rally a WRC Accent in the British championship.
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Spooky stuff.

I read the exact same story on HonestJohn a couple of weeks ago.

Gets around, this Scott bloke :D
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Offline Flyyte

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  • 47b Hadrian's Wall, Cumbria, England
What a tale.

But I have a question. If you had seen the advert for the car on the Petch website that very morning - why didn't you ask Peter to open the website and see the advert for himself.

I wonder whether the Auto Trader link was incorrect and you were actually speaking to a different dealership without realising it. The weakness of that thought is that if that were the case - you would have expected Scott to get in touch with you after you failed to turn up.  . .

Nope. We didn't ask Peter to open the SG Petch website. We asked him instead to check his inventory stock of pre-owned vehicles. The Hyundai 1.6 CRDi Premium Estate wasn't on it. More to the point: as one of the Hyundai sales staff himself, he had absolutely no awareness even of its existence. Presumably, therefore, he had been away on holiday for some time, returning only after (a) the car had been taken into stock; (b) placed on sale and (c) actually sold by SG Petch Hyundai Darlington.

The AutoTrader link was correct because it took me to the SG Petch Darlington website where the car was featured in text and pictures. The dealer's website also specifically listed the dealer's Darlington phone number. So I made a note of that. And that was the number I rang on  the Tuesday morning. Reception didn't answer by saying 'this is not Hyundai Darlington'. Rather, reception said -- in answer to my request to speak to someone in Hyundai sales -- that they were putting me through to Scott. Scott never said he wasn't at Darlington. In fact, Scott wanted me to be absolutely sure I knew where SG Petch in Darlington actually was before we set off on our cross-country journey.

And unlike the bemused Peter, Scott certainly knew about the car when I asked him if it was still for sale. I'd already noted the reg number from the dealer's website picture and, once I'd given that to him, he was able to check the for sale inventory and confirm that not only was it still available, it would be there awaiting our arrival at 12.30pm Tuesday.

All of which accounts for my Twilight Zone conclusion. First there's Peter, who sells pre-owned Hyundais at SG Petch Darlington but has never heard of the blue estate we're undertaking a 160-mile round trip to go look at.  And then there's Scott. Who doesn't exist at SG Petch Darlington Hyundai which perhaps isn't surprising because he talks to me about having a car ready to view in two hours' time at the Darlington address but which, according to Peter, no-one else at Darlington Hyundai knows anything about. Even though it must've been sitting on  the Darlington forecourt the previous week prior to its sale on the morning of Saturday, February 11th.

If any alternative construction can be placed on this sequence of events, I'd be interested to hear of it.

eye30: Yup. It was the same car. The metallic Pale Bue description was distinctive and the same year / reg / and mileage. I don't think that many CWs are sold in a week by SG Petch anyway for there to have been any confusion. In essence, the car never existed. And then, suddenly, it did. Pure Twilight Zone.

bumpkin: But I did confirm the Darlington address with the Darlington-based Scott on the dealer's Darlington phone number. Having told Scott there was no point in me driving all that way to find that the car had already been sold, Scott not only obligingly confirmed that (a) it hadn't and (b) it was ready and waiting for me, he also talked me through the Darlington address details with him. Just to make sure I didn't get lost.

But of course, if Scott didn't exist, then that conversation didn't exist, either. And it's therefore pure coincidence that the identical car turned out to have been sold by the SG Petch Darlington Hyundai dealership four days earlier. Twilight Zone. Again. ;)

PS: nah, sorry: I don't believe there is a Steve Petch. It's all a trick of the Time / Space continuum.  :Shocked:

Shambles: Same story. Same Scott. I popped it on Honest John because he's a luvvly guy and it's not a bad little reader forum -- though nothing like as substantial and illustrious as this one.  :P  Reason for HJing was because we didn't have a Hyundai at the time of posting, whereas we do now. And so as an honourable newbie I feel bound to alert fellow i30 owners to the existence of the Twilight Zone in, er, Darlington.

In conclusion, I have to say that my February 14th 2012 experience has not altered my opinion of the used car trade one iota.
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Offline eye30

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May be and this is just a may be the receptionist was putting you through to a Scotsman who is known as (nickname) Scott who is the tea boy and had gone home by the time you arrived.
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Offline Surferdude

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A 'fun" story.
And yes, I'm old enough to remember the original TV series of "the Twilight Zone"
Not may things ever gave me nightmares but some of those did.
There was one where a guy in a war zone would see a light shining on th eforehead of fellow soldiers who then died in battle that day. Of course the show ended one morning just as he was shaving, using a mirror................... :scared: :faint:

Jokes a side, I'll bet you're glad you didn't give the guy (sorry Scott) all your finance details to apply for credit.
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Offline rustynutz

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I was half expecting you to say you eventually arrived home to find that "Scott" had visited knowing you weren't home and helped himself to a few things... :whistler:

Offline Phil №❶

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My favourite Twilight Zone, a man who had the unfortunate ability to create lightning whenever he was insulted or angered. Unfortunately his girlfriend upset him & he fried her to a crisp. I didn't sleep well that night, it was 1965 & I was young then.


All I can say is it was Valentines Day, strange things happen, cupid was firing darts to make you love your I30.  :neutral:
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Can't get the theme out of my ears while reading this thread.....

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Offline Phil №❶

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Why did you do that eye30,

I want to watch some episodes now.  :(
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Why did you do that eye30,

I want to watch some episodes now.  :(
I seem to remember they were making a movie of it years later and during filming a helicopter crashed killing one of the stars. IIRC it was Vic Morrow and a couple of children. I remember him from "Combat" a war based TV series in the 60's.
I never did see the movie.
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Offline Phil №❶

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Combat was 1 of my favourites too, I can still remember the theme & opening graphics, even after all these years.  :neutral:
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  • 47b Hadrian's Wall, Cumbria, England
Totally off-topic now, but it's all the fault of you lot and especially, eye30 for discovering that TTZ opener. Gawd, but I was a sucker for that pulp fiction / scifi stuff that nowadays in retrospect seems anything but cheesy. Like (for example) a couple of weeks ago Mrs F and I were using the Hy's fog lights for the first time on a back road leading through enclosing night to the motorway -- or, well, we hoped so. At which point Mrs F suddenly said:

It began one night on a lonely country road, looking for a shortcut that couldn't be found. It began with a closed and deserted diner and a man too long without sleep. Now. . . he must convince a disbelieving world that the nightmare has already begun.

Sheesh. She scares the beJasus out of me, every time that wonderful intro from The Invaders comes to mind. . . usually after we've just driven past a boarded-up Little Chef.

Why don't they write 'em like that anymore?? Or music scores like that anymore?

The Invaders aside -- which, now that you all understand about Scott, explains why I'm on a mission to tell a disbelieving world that the nightmare has already begun (in, um, Darlington) -- I still rank this cop show opener (and the show itself) as one of THE all-time best:

My name's Friday. Joe Friday. I'm a cop.

I don't know why I didn't use that line at SG Petch. Or why when bidding goodbye to Darlington I didn't intone:

There are eight million stories in the naked city. This has been one of them.

Cue trumpets, drums, strings, the works.

Ah well. So much for yesterday. Many thanks, then, to eye30 and surferdude and all the rest of you here who've so generously indulged me on this thread. On  which note, all together now:

Rolling down the highway, wheeling right along
Hear those tyres drummin', hummin' out a song
The rumble of the diesel, the shifting of the gears
The rhythm when he's rollin' is music to his ears:
Cannonball! Cannonba-aaaa-ll!!

Right. Nurse has just arrived. Time for my medication. Then it's off to Over 90s Nite in the day room.

PS: rustynutz -- he has been here. They are all here. It may have started in Darlington, England, but tonight in the skies above Victoria there'll be an extra spinning star. And another 'Scott' will quickly be amongst you. . .  :eek: :eek: :eek:

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Offline eye30

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Mr F you are bringing back memories from "far far away"

Now which series did that come from.....
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Offline Flyyte

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  • 47b Hadrian's Wall, Cumbria, England
Mr F you are bringing back memories from "far far away"  Now which series did that come from.....

A TV series? Nope. I give up. The only line that comes to mind is Judy Garland's 'Over The Rainbow', where she travelled the Yellow Brick Road and eventually wound up in Darlington with Scott.
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I loved "The Invaders" and "Combat" :)
Here are the intro's for both series.......enjoy!

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Actually, I've just re-read the title and I don't think we're off topic at all.

Carry on guys.

If Scott's riding a motor bike when he gets to Rustynuts' place I don't want to know about it. :disapp:
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If Scott's riding a motor bike when he gets to Rustynuts' place I don't want to know about it. :disapp:

And why would that be Trev, are you anti motorcycles or something?  :whistler:

You wouldn't be the first car driver to be that..... :p

Offline Ugly Mongrel

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  • Sorry, but my karma just ran over your dogma.
Flyyte, for what it's worth, here's my take on your strange Valentine's Day experience.

Perhaps Scott's real name is "Scotty" and he was beamed back up to the USS Enterprise by Mr Spock before you arrived at the dealer's.

Perhaps Scott(y) had beamed down without Captain Kirk's permission to have a quick look at a good second hand i30 for Mrs. Scott, because he  might have been due for shore leave soon and could have wanted to bring her home a great gift. Although on his money, I reckon Scott(y) may have been loo :fum:king at a new i30!!!

Kirky probably told Spock to yank Scott(y) back upstairs in a hurry and throw in the brig with Lieutenant Uhura as a cell mate.

Perhaps Uhura  had probably been caught looking at SG Petch's website (which might have been considered "porn" on the USS Enterprise) because she might have been really keen on a new i30 as well.

Perhaps while at the dealer's, Scott(y) was wearing "the cloak of invisibility" and was not noticed by the "real" staff.

Flyyte, do you think my ideas could be feasible??
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 12:19:58 by Ugly Mongrel »
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Me thinks you're on some good sh*t there, UM...... :lol:

Oh, and by the way, Ffoxy hasn't even responded to this thread...  :p :rofl:

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Ffoxy, for what it's worth, here's my take on your strange Valentine's Day experience.

Perhaps Scott's real name is "Scotty" and he was beamed back up to the USS Enterprise by Mr Spock before you arrived at the dealer's.

Perhaps Scott(y) had beamed down without Captain Kirk's permission to have a quick look at a good second hand i30 for Mrs. Scott, because he  might have been due for shore leave soon and could have wanted to bring her home a great gift. Although on his money, I reckon Scott(y) may have been looking at a new i30!!!

Kirky probably told Spock to yank Scott(y) back upstairs in a hurry and throw in the brig with Lieutenant Uhura as a cell mate.

Perhaps Uhura  had probably been caught looking at SG Petch's website (which might have been considered "porn" on the USS Enterprise) because she might have been really keen on a new i30 as well.

Perhaps while at the dealer's, Scott(y) was wearing "the cloak of invisibility" and was not noticed by the "real" staff.

Ffoxy, do you think my ideas could be feasible??

That would be "Flyyte" ;) :whistler:
  • 2020 Kona formerly 2009 i30 Hatch 5sp Manual.

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If Scott's riding a motor bike when he gets to Rustynuts' place I don't want to know about it. :disapp:

And why would that be Trev, are you anti motorcycles or something?  :whistler:

You wouldn't be the first car driver to be that..... :p
Had my bike licence since 1972.
'twas just a fishing expedition.
And I caught a big one - though it's been in the water too long - gone all rusty. :rofl: :happydance:
  • 2020 Kona formerly 2009 i30 Hatch 5sp Manual.

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If Scott's riding a motor bike when he gets to Rustynuts' place I don't want to know about it. :disapp:

And why would that be Trev, are you anti motorcycles or something?  :whistler:

You wouldn't be the first car driver to be that..... :p
Had my bike licence since 1972.
'twas just a fishing expedition.
And I caught a big one - though it's been in the water too long - gone all rusty. :rofl: :happydance:

Hey Trev, don't be too smug, did it not occur to you that maybe it was I that was doing some fishing?  :whistler:

Every time we have a discussion on motorcycling, you trot out that you've had your motorcycle licence since 1972...that on it's own means nothing... :winker:
What I'd be more interested in hearing is how many years you've ridden on the road and also when was the last time you threw a leg over a motorcycle.  :p

Offline Flyyte

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  • 47b Hadrian's Wall, Cumbria, England
Flyyte, for what it's worth, here's my take on your strange Valentine's Day experience. . .

A genius idea. And eminently feasible -- even if it raises the unnerving prospect that if I retain long-term brand loyalty to Hyundai, I run the risk of being a Cling-On.

(Oh, on a personal note: Mrs F was delighted to be described as 'ffoxy' in your earlier post, I don't know why you went ahead and changed it, 'ffoxy' beats the hell out of flyyty any day. Now that she's foxy no longer, severe depression has set in. . .  ;)

rustynutz: FANbloodyTASTIC!  Thank you so-ooo much for those links!! (I'm assuming that you, like everyone else here, including me, remembers these TV shows only from their repeat transmissions in the 1990s. . .)

 :P :P :P

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Mr F you are bringing back memories from "far far away"  Now which series did that come from.....

Sorry it was a film  ----  Star Wars

The opening of each film begins with the text "A long time ago in a
galaxy far, far away.

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Ah.  I remember going to see Star Wars in 1977 and thinking, what a load of rubbish, this'll never take off. Too much time spent at Saturday afternoon matinees with Flash Gordon and the Emperor Ming, I guess.  :whistler:
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rustynutz: FANbloodyTASTIC!  Thank you so-ooo much for those links!! (I'm assuming that you, like everyone else here, including me, remembers these TV shows only from their repeat transmissions in the 1990s. . .)

Unfortunately I'm just old enough to have seen them in their first airing in the 60's.... :undecided:

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