HyperNSW is getting a meet sorted, for those who don't know, HyperNSW is a branch of the Hyper Auto Club Australia. The biggest Hyundai Club in Oz.
Cruise to Mount Sugar Loaf - 22 March 2009
BYO BBQ or picnic lunch at the lookout carpark 1:00PM (rock up from 12:30)
Sydney and beyond crew can meet at a place of their choice to cruise the F3. One of us will most likely meet you at the Wyong twin servo's to help lead you in.
Hunter Valley crew (cessnock, musswelbrook, maitland & singleton) meet at Kurri Kurri bowling club carpark at 12pm to leave by 1230.
Newcastle crew if you want to organise a cruise together we can meet at Wallsend Twin servo (Westbound) or just head straight out. Im easy...
Invite to any Hyper Members or associated Hyundai Fanatics.
After the BBQ and happy snapping those who wish can join us for a cruise into Newcastle Foreshore. The scene on a sunday afternoon is awesome police rarely defecting or chasing us out as its a laid back feel. (not like friday or saturday nights )

There is already some interest from Hyper so there should be a good number of cars arriving.
If anyone here is interested, please let me know here or on the Hyper Auto Club forum.
www.hyperaustralia.comCheers Guys