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Terrorist attack in the USA

FatBoy · 17 · 3772

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It appears that a terrorist attack has occurred in the USA, with a radical extremist attacking a "Planned Parenthood" centre in the USA.  Or is it only called a terrorist attack when a Muslim does it?

:link: Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting: civilians, police killed, suspect captured

I see so many comments on social media and in the papers stating that "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim".  What a crock!!  No doubt that this was caused by a fundamentalist Christian with a strong held belief that abortions are wrong, and the only way to stop it is to murder people in an abortion clinic.

This terrorist certainly wasn't Muslim either.

:link: Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Well said Jamie. This sort of media manipulation of the facts happens a lot in all different areas (particularly in the USA)  :crazy1:
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Offline Phil №❶

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Don't hold back Fatboy.  :eek:

I agree, they're not all Muslim, but worldwide, the Muslim extremists, present the greatest threat to our preferred western way of life, warts and all.

I just can't abide an extremist cult trying to replace our democracy with their oppressive no choice sharia trash.

This dude was just as wrong IMO.  :fum:
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Extremists from any religion are dangerous, Christian, Muslim or anything else.
I think we agree on that, FatBoy.
But the fact remains that 95% plus of terrorist attacks around the world are by Muslim extremists.
You will always find isolated opposing instances but we can't get away from the facts.
ISIS is a world-wide problem and they have declared war on the West. They are Muslim extremists.
In my opinion, a coalition of the West needs to act and act now.
I do not buy the "Islam is a peaceful religion" crap.
If that was the case, then the so-called 99% of peaceful Muslims should be marching the streets of Western cities around the world with support from Christians and other religions every time a terrorist attack occurs.
But they don't. Why not?   :undecided:
The atrocities committed by ISIS include decapitation, throat cuts, burning alive, etc. These are not uncommon events. They are regular events now.
We do not see the same from Christian religions.
ISIS have declared war on the West and I do wonder when the West will wake up and fight back instead of peddling out this moderate view that all is OK and that it is only a small percentage of extremist Islam followers.
They threaten our very being and need to be dealt with. We can't bury our heads in the sand any longer.
The problem is ISIS and ISIS needs to be obliterated from the face of Earth.
The French President has the right idea and the rest of the West needs to get on board and support him.
I was pleased to see David Cameron say this in the British parliament.
Honestly, why are we so weak now? 
  • Tertius the i30

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Well said Jamie. This sort of media manipulation of the facts happens a lot in all different areas (particularly in the USA)  :crazy1:

I totally disagree.
  • Tertius the i30

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Most terrorist attack are carried out by non-Muslims!!

:link: Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

:link: Are All Terrorists Muslims? It?s Not Even Close - The Daily Beast

Well, define terrorist attacks.
Mass murders are not necessarily terrorist attacks.
They are mass murderers.
You need to look at the ideology behind the attacks.
ISIS is a well-funded organisation with a goal to kill all infidels. It's their way or the highway with a view of ruling the entire world. Surely you can see that difference.
You are confusing two different things here.
  • Tertius the i30

Offline FatBoy

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What about this terrorist attack!!  Surely this counts as one. 

:link: Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not confusing anything.  Killing and terrorising somebody for your belief is terrorism.  Anders Breivik did it, so did McVeigh.  Martin Bryant, on the other hand, was a mentally ill mass murderer.

Don't let your religious beliefs get in the way of the facts.

Yes, ISIS are bad, very bad (FatBoy's understatement of the year, awarded by Doggie) and they need to be stopped.  Now!!  Not soon, not maybe.  NOW!!  They use a warped view of Islam as a means to an end.  Just as the KKK used a warped view of Christian ideology to justify their actions.

I still like the statement:

A Jew, a Christian, a Buddhist, an atheist, a Hindu and a Muslim walk into a coffee shop.  They laugh, share a joke, take the piss out of each other, and show respect to each other.  Because MOST people aren't arseholes!!

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The so-called silent majority of Muslims need to plant their flag in the ground and say where they stand.
Again I ask, why don't they?
If 99.9 % of Muslims and 99.9% of Christians and 99.9% of Hindus and 99.9% of every other religion held the same view, then I don't think we would have much of a problem.
But unfortunately we do have a problem. A big one.
And it stems from the extremist followers of Islam.
I have no more right than you do to hold an opinion, but I am happy to be judged on my opinion in ten years' time.
Especially if we do nothing.
When the grand mufti in Australia comes out publicly and blames the West for what ISIS is doing and for the Paris attacks, then we have a problem.
IMO, the grand mufti in Australia should be expelled from Australia so that he can preach his hate somewhere else but we do not have to tolerate his views and I for one, will not.
If he is the appointed head of the Islam in Australia (and he is) then we have a problem.
He blames us!
Little wonder most Muslims say NOTHING!
All this politically correct crap will be the downfall of us.
It's time we said it how it is but most of our political leaders are too scared to do so.

  • Tertius the i30

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Agreed, Dave.  It is like the rapist blaming the girl for wearing "revealing" clothing.

He should have said a short sentence such as "We Muslims condemn these attacks that occurred in our name."  And that is it, full stop.  No more needs to be said.  Don't justify it (it can't be).

However, how many Catholic Bishops hid and moved known pedophile Priests?  Then did NOTHING when the allegations were made.  Are all Catholics bad because of that?  No.  However it was handled poorly by the Bishops and Cardinals.

Offline Phil №❶

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I agree with your sentiments Dave, but I hear that ISIS have now declared that the mufti's have sold out to western society and are now not to be trusted, which just demonstrates their warped, insane view of reality and why they need to be exterminated. Targeting our youngsters with their propoganda is very sneaky and shades of Hitler youth.

It took a world war to eliminate that type of thinking in 1939/45.
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Offline Doggie 1

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We agree on something.
A totally different discussion that I am sure we would agree on.  :)
But when I hear of Muslim adult males (in their twenties) being found not guilty of raping a thirteen year girl (in the U.K.) because he was brought up to believe that girls/women had no more worth than a "lollie paper thrown on the ground," it makes my blood boil. Defense counsel argued it wasn't his fault because that is what he was taught whilst growing up and being "educated" in a Muslim school in England.
We need to protect our beliefs and values and not bow to those of other cultures.
If they don't like our culture then DON'T COME HERE!
If they do, in my opinion, anyone from ANY culture should be welcomed, providing they intend to adapt to our culture.
I do not believe in multiculturalism. It has never worked anywhere in the world, ever.
Multi-ethnicity can work, providing the newcomers are willing to adopt the primary culture of the country they are migrating to.

  • Tertius the i30

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 :goodjob2: :goodjob:

I agree Dave (this is starting to become a habit).  Bring your culture, respect ours, adapt.  By adapting and respecting the majority culture, you can enrich both cultures.  The immigrants from Europe post WW2 proved that.

Now, another thing we can agree on.  Having a head cold in 35 degree heat really sucks!!  I can't even go down the beach and observe the lovely ladies in bikinis.

Offline Doggie 1

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You're probably better off not going to the beach anyway.
There might be an Islamic terrorist attack like this, so you're safer at home.   ;)

:link: 2015 Sousse attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Tertius the i30

Offline FatBoy

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Fair dinkum.  I think I have the headache that killed Elvis!!

Offline Doggie 1

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It's the medication that killed him.
Don't take any medication!
  • Tertius the i30

Offline Phil №❶

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Get some salt water up your nose & flush the sinuses.Best thing for a cold, stings like hell, but effective treatment.
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