i30 Owners Club

eastern europe

tiny · 8 · 3826

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Offline tiny

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    • ro Romania
there is no point in creating a topic for i30 owners just in romania, we already a local forum, and the club meets (with all models) are pretty slim, 10-12 ppl per meet max. i want to know if anyone would like to come here, or to a neighbour country, i will go on a trip in a week or two, and i may pass through hungary or bulgary i do not know yet. so if anyone would like to meet, post here. or add me on messenger at tiny_lone

Offline tiny

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    • ro Romania
while our hyundaiclub.ro grows and grows, and we have had 2 succesful trips through our wonderful mountains, our meets have started to grow nationally, maybe this time next year we'll meet with our neighbours. hopefully by then i'll be showing up in a new genesis coupe :)

Offline Seoul-mate

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Got any more pics of those meets Tiny?
I know you posted one set here some time ago.
  • i30 1.6 Diesel (03/08- 09/12), MB B200 (09/12 -->)

Offline tiny

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    • ro Romania
our latest breakthrough is teaming up with www.clubkia.ro
they are out of our league though, we're going on a club trip on the 20th, in the mountains, again
clubkia is setting a record for most kia's or something, anyway they book 3 hotels, they're almost 300...we're almost 30...
the ceeds and proceeds are loved more around here...promise to post more pics
i already posted some pics on photobucker



these are from the last mountainside meets and some weekly meets

Offline dani

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    • bg Bulgaria

  • First Lesson. Stick em with the pointy end.
our latest breakthrough is teaming up with www.clubkia.ro
they are out of our league though, we're going on a club trip on the 20th, in the mountains, again
clubkia is setting a record for most kia's or something, anyway they book 3 hotels, they're almost 300...we're almost 30...
the ceeds and proceeds are loved more around here...promise to post more pics
i already posted some pics on photobucker
www.clubkia.ro or http://www.clubkiaromania.ro/
I'm surprised and curious. Do you have two cubs "KIA"  in Romania.  :eek:

We`ll meet with http://www.clubkiaromania.ro/ in Russe at 7.March.2009y.
This is s.th. like international meeting between Bulgarian and Romanian C`eeds. :)
Despite I'm driving i30, I'll be with my friends at this meeting.


Offline tiny

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    • ro Romania
well www.clubkia.ro is the offical kia forum in romania
when is this meet going to be, could you e-mail me more details please please please? tiny_lone@yahoo.com

Offline dani

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    • bg Bulgaria

  • First Lesson. Stick em with the pointy end.
The meeting will be on 7th March in Russe. (Near the border. First city in Bulgaria, after Donau bridge,  but you know it).
For now I'm not able to give you more details.
But when I know more, I'll write here.
You can follow this thread for more information http://www.kia-bg.com/smf/index.php/topic,502.0.html


Offline tiny

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    • ro Romania
I have gave word about this meet let's see if anyone is interested

from our latest meet 20 feb

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