Hi All!
Just bought a 2018, i30 estate, 1.6 Diesel automatic.
PI’m super fussy about nighttime visibility, and am looking to upgrade to LED headlamps. I’ve swapped to after market LED’s on a number of vehicles, but the i30 has me slightly stumped.
The Main beam and cornering lights are a fairly simple swap, they are H7’s with a spring clip to secure them, but the Dip Beam is different. It’s an H7, but held in place with what looks like an adapter from a different design of bulb…
My question is… is there another design of bulb which fits the adapter’s 3 tab design? I’ve seen YouTube videos which suggest that Hyundai use other formats of bulb in other international markets. Would something like a 6009 fit?
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!! Otherwise it’ll be trial and error to see what works?
(who really needs fingers like ET for this kind of job!!)