Hi guys,
Well im loving my i30 and finding no one i know is all that interested in cars or my i30

So how about arranging an i30 owners meet sometime in the early summer of 2011, May-ish. I know its abit early on but im required to give a fair bits notice of required time off, i had to book my xmas hols in june !
I'de be looking to arrange a day out go-karting or another motorsport event followed by some food somewhere (my mum owns a catering business run in a golf club, might be worth booking up with her) hire of the room during the day time isnt expensive and 70% of it is a refundable deposit. Food is pretty much what we ask for but her beef dinners and her pie chips and pea's evenings are VERY popular.
How many of you would be interested if i can get some prices together?