i30 Owners Club

Targa Wrest Point

FatBoy · 10 · 3235

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Offline FatBoy

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Targa Wrest Point travels though our little town tomorrow.  My son and I are going for a walk up the road to have a look at the cars as they scream by.  We are only 500m from the start of two of the stages.  Apparently there are approximately 100 entries this year, ranging from the Lamborghini to the Early Classics (a 1955 Fiat Abarth). I'll post some photos tomorrow when we get back.

Here is some information on Targa.


Offline Doggie 1

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 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I'll look forward to the extensive video coverage, from the ground and the air then.  :lol:
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Offline Dazzler

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Great stuff Jamie ... Have fun (look forward to the photos)  :goodjob:
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Offline FatBoy

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Here are some of the photos from the Targa Wrest Point that my youngest son and I went to today.  It was just a short 10 minute walk from our house, with no crowds!!

The cars ranged from the Classics to the Supercars.  My son's favourite was the Torana and the Lambo.  I can't go past the Porsche 911.

The Fiat (a bit blurry, sorry)

Ford Cortina

Ford Capri

Jim Richards in his Porsche 911

The Lambo

The 'Rana (an A9X)

We were lucky where we were, as there were two stages over the same road.  Due to an accident with one of the cars (it had an argument with a tree and lost) the second stage was delayed by an hour.  Still, we got to see some very nice cars driven fairly hard on normal roads, and got to see some of them twice from two different positions.

Offline The Gonz

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Very nice, mate.  :goodjob: Does that mean you'll drop in for the Clipsal?
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Offline FatBoy

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Very nice, mate.  :goodjob: Does that mean you'll drop in for the Clipsal?

I'd love to, Gonz.  I went there in 2005 with a Seahawk.  It was, without a doubt, the best fly away I have ever done.  Two flying displays a day, corporate hospitality, and then backstage passes to the Hoodoo Gurus concert at the end of the race.  We also took some kids flying that were victims of the fires that ravaged the Eyre Peninsula just before we got there, and also took Steve Johnson for a fly.  He returned the compliment by giving us a tour of his pit (and inviting us to his after party).

Who knows, I might just bring the little Rev Head with me (Number Two FatKid).

Offline The Gonz

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... I might just bring the little Rev Head with me (Number Two FatKid) ...
If it looks like happening, you MUST let me know.  :wink:
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Offline Dazzler

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Thanks Jamie ...

I liked the Cortina and the Capri too  :mrgreen:
  • 2021 MG PHEV ( had 4 x i30 plus a Getz an Elantra and a Tucson)

Offline Doggie 1

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Yes, thanks for the pics Jamie.   :goodjob:
  • Tertius the i30

Offline BrightonSA

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Here are some of the photos from the Targa Wrest Point that my youngest son and I went to today.  It was just a short 10 minute walk from our house, with no crowds!!

The cars ranged from the Classics to the Supercars.  My son's favourite was the Torana and the Lambo.  I can't go past the Porsche 911.

The Fiat (a bit blurry, sorry)

Ford Cortina

Ford Capri

Jim Richards in his Porsche 911

The Lambo

The 'Rana (an A9X)

We were lucky where we were, as there were two stages over the same road.  Due to an accident with one of the cars (it had an argument with a tree and lost) the second stage was delayed by an hour.  Still, we got to see some very nice cars driven fairly hard on normal roads, and got to see some of them twice from two different positions.

My very first car was a red Fiat   :whistler:
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