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i30Dave · 17 · 5075

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Offline i30Dave

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I will be in Avalon from the 13-15th of March with my i30 if anyone wants to catch up ????

Offline whitbomb07

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This wouldn't have anything to do with the International Airshow Downunder would it?  :D :D :D

I'll be down there for it. See here for my trip plan. i30ownersclub.com/forum/index.php/topic,2161.0.html



Offline whitbomb07

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How about we try and make this a serious meet?

I wouldn't be wanting to do any driving, just meet at the airshow and stick together as a group during the airshow.

I for one will definitely want to be at the rope line at all times as I will be going nuts with my camera. Up to other people what they would like to do.............

Are you much of a photographer Dave? Or just going for the fun of it?



Offline i30Dave

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You could say i'm a "plane geek". I'm a member of a historical group and a
number of online forums. I also run this website when i get time.


I'd be happy to meet up with you over the 3 days i'm there.

Offline whitbomb07

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Nice shot Dave

Looks like a VC-9 which is a military VIP version of the civvie DC-9/MD-80/B717.

It's a pity that they won't adevertise what is actually coming to the airshow. But it's understandable after the flak that they have copped for advertising certain aircraft attending that have unfortunately cancelled at the last moment for previous shows...............



Offline i30Dave

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Yup it's a C-9B, it called through Adelaide on Thursday. There's always
plenty of rumours surrounding Avalon. The latest one i heard was that
we might get an F-22 as there will be a couple up north at the time.

Offline whitbomb07

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There has been a recent deployment to Okinawa and Kadena in Japan of F-22's..............

As much as I would like to see one I won't be holding my breath on it...............

There is also a USAF Thunderbirds display team (F-16's) trip for Asia in Sep/Oct that I have heard about, with rumours of a detour to Oz............

Here's hoping.............



Offline i30Dave

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There will be 2 US "Super" Hornets and a KC-10 at Avalon.

Offline whitbomb07

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There will be 2 US "Super" Hornets and a KC-10 at Avalon.

If you want to really cross your fingers (and toes, and anything else you can think of) there was a Wedgetail AEW&C spotted about to get a paint job at Richmond the other day................

It'd be nice if a B-52 (which has only done a flypast and RTB'd north before) and or another Bomber (B-1, B-2) could land at Avalon...........

A Strike Eagle (as opposed to a normal Eagle) and/something Russian (which has been the main reason for not releasing and attendance list, see below) would be very nice to see.............

The main reason why they are not releasing a attendance list this year is due to the flak that they have copped in previous years for saying 'XYZ are coming!!!' and then XYZ have cancelled at the last minute, causing alot of red faces and big blame games............

Prime example being the Russians, Avalon advertised (for a previous show, not sure if it was 05 or 07) that a large Russian contingent was coming, but they pulled out at the very last minute as the organisers of Avalon refused to accept the Russians demand that they pay for every cent of fuel that the Russians used to get to, use at and return from Avalon..............



Offline whitbomb07

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    • au Australia
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So is anyone else other than i30Dave and myself going? Would like to meet up with a few more owners.



Offline Duckman

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This may seem like a stupid question, but this is the Avalon north of Sydney, yes?

I may be able to make it, seeing work for me is starting to be back to normal!

Offline i30Dave

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This may seem like a stupid question, but this is the Avalon north of Sydney, yes?

I may be able to make it, seeing work for me is starting to be back to normal!

No Duckman, Avalon is south of Melbourne near Geelong

Offline Duckman

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Ok, Avalon is north of Sydney somewhere too, just thought whitbomb07 was talking about that one :P

Offline whitbomb07

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Sorry for the misinterpretation. The Avalon as Dave said is South West of Melbourne near Geelong.

There's an airport there which usually conveys most of the Jetstar flights in and out of Melbourne, instead of Tullamarine.

But for 1 week every 2 years it is turned into the largest airshow in Australia (unfortunately not quite in the Southern Hemisphere, if memory serves)

But due to the above mentioned regular use of Avalon, this may be the last one as Jet Star is kicking up a stink that it gets in the way.

Looks like it's just you and me Dave..........



Offline i30Dave

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Looks like it's just you and me Dave..........

Don't get any funny ideas  :lol:

Offline whitbomb07

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Well my missus will be with me for the Friday night................

(runs for cover before the dirty minds come out)

 :lol: :lol: :lol:



hi just got my new i 30 me and my wife will be going on sat

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